Saturday, February 2, 2013

Daily Thoughts -02/02/2013

Daily Thoughts: Good morning everyone and happy feast day! It is the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, sometimes known at Candlemas Day as candles are blessed on this day. Some say this is the true end to the Christmas Season. It is a day of blessing.

The Gospel this morning tells us the story of Anna and Simeon two people waiting for the Lord. They were waiting for the consolation and redemption of Israel and they both recognized it in the child Jesus. Simeon's now famous words, words recited each evening near the end of Night Prayer, words reflecting the joy Simeon has in being granted the gift of seeing Jesus. Anna too is grateful for this opportunity, both of them have prayed and waited a long time.

Perhaps, Anna and Simeon reflect for us the journey of faith that all of us are on. We long for the Kingdom of God, we long for a day when the struggles, the sadnesses of life, the difficulties of life will be gone, when will we see the gift of God in its fullest. At that moment perhaps we will utter the words of Simeon. However until then we wait and we journey in faith encountering God's many gifts in simple ways. Being on the look out for an opportunity to hold God in our hands and feel the blessing of God in our life.

May we truly be blessed this day knowing that we are on a journey of faith that will bring us to the Kingdom where we can truly give thanks!

Daily Prayer: O God, bless us today with the gift of your love. Help us to take the time to recognize you as we journey through this day. May we find you in ourselves, in others and in the world around us. Give us the privilege to welcome Christ into this world as we live life through your unrelenting grace! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Remember run in a way that allows you to find pleasure in the experience and helps you to know the presence of God is with you!

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope your day has started out well and that there are many good things ahead! If it is going to be a busy Saturday for you may you find some joy in the busyness. If it is a day of rest, may you be refreshed by your rest. If it is a day of work may you be blessed in your work. To all have a great day and many blessing in what ever this day brings! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

PS I am hoping it brings a Billiken victory though I will not be able to watch because this day is a day of work for me. I ask your prayers for my Parish Mission that begins tonight at Holy Family Parish in Orlando, FL.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 02/01/2013

Daily Thoughts: Sorry for being late today but I have been traveling since this morning and this is the first Internet access that I have had. I am in sunny and warm Orlando, Fl, yes it is a tough job but somebody has to do it! I will begin a Parish Mission tomorrow at Holy Family Parish here in Orlando. So I am going to enjoy the warmth for a week!

At mass this morning before heading out I was struck with the thought, my how things have changed! Jesus talks about farming during his time. The farmer goes out and plants the seed but then waits to see what happens. The farmer doesn't know why or how it happens there is a profound trust in God and hope that the seeds planted will produce a wonderful harvest.

Today we know, for the most part, the whys and hows of farming. There is a lot more science and technology that goes into farming these days yet I cannot help but think there still needs to be trust in God.

The mustard seed is a wonderful image of God's Kingdom. Just think of the birth of a person, that minute coming together of the sperm and egg and nine months or so down the road a person arrives and grows. God's Kingdom is made up of millions upon millions of people and trillions upon trillions of harvests. We sleep, we wake, and we wait. Day in an day out we see the many gifts of God's Kingdom, it is a wonderful harvest and yet like the farmers of Jesus' time we still don't know how it happens.

We don't know everything and the more we accept that the more we will encounter God's Kingdom each and everyday we live. So like it says in the Letter to the Hebrews lets not be those who draw back and perish, but lets be those who have faith, hope and love which help us to possess life!

Daily Prayer: O God, whose wisdom never fails, protect us from all harm this day and help us to work for all that is good. Bless us with the gift of wonder and awe that we might never forget your wondrous love as we encounter it in ourselves and others. Amen!

Runner's Thought: Transform an ordinary run into a sacred run by bringing to the run a sense of God presence in you!

Again sorry for the lateness of my posting today. I hope everyone had a good day! Blessings on a well deserved Friday evening, may it be relaxing and restful. May you have a peaceful night and rise refreshed to meet a new day! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 01/31/2013

Daily Thoughts: Perhaps today's first reading from the Letter to the Hebrews should daily morning reading for all of us who call ourselves Christian, "Let us hold unwaveringly to our confession that gives us hope, for he who made the promise is trustworthy. We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works... [and] encourage one another." Our life needs to be about hope and encouragement not judgment, finger pointing, hate and exclusion. We believe and we hold on to that belief because we have hope in God presence in our life and in our world after all that is God's promise to us!

Jesus puts it a little differently. In his wonderful image of a lamp the question is asked, do we hide it, the light or do we put it on a stand and let it fill the whole room? The light, the gift of God needs to be placed on a stand. It needs to be made visible by the way we live our life, by the way we treat others and by the way we trust the promises of God!

Remember as Jesus tells us today, "The measure with which you measure will be measured out to [us]." So let's be the light on the stand in the middle of the room today. Let's be the one who rouses everyone else to love and good works. Let's be the one who trusts in the promises of God and thus bring the gift of hope to all we meet this day!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, you have promised to remain forever with us, may we always trust in this promise and allow it to be the light of hope that guides our every action today and always. May we always be your light on the stand in the middle of the room that through good works we may bring your loving presence to the all we meet. Amen!

Runner's Thought: Remember if we have the desire to run with God, then the specifics of the techniques used do not matter very much just keep hold of the desire and God will be with you!

I hope you are all having a productive Thursday. Remember the weekend is not far away so keep the energy high and don't let the everyday struggles get you down. I begin a Parish Mission this weekend in Orlando, FL so please know that throughout the weekend and next week you will be in my prayers as I celebrate a time of mission with Holy Family Parish. All you families out there will get a special prayer next week! Enjoy the day, stay warm, if you are in the northeast hang on the winds are a bit strong today and above all may God bless your day! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 01/30/2013

Daily Thoughts: Our scriptures today presented me with a couple of perspectives. First the reading from the Letter to the Hebrews focused me on the importance of Jesus in my life. It is because of Jesus that I have this gift of life, it is because of Jesus that I can be forgiven for my faults, failings and sins and it is because of Jesus that I have the chance for eternal life with God!

The Gospel on the other hand reminds me that I have work to do. Jesus has given me the gift, but what do I do with the gift? Do I plant it and let it grow into a wonderful harvest of life the brings me to God or does the gift get wasted?

I have often used the parable of the Sower and the Seed in my preaching and the way I look at it is that in my life there are four different kinds of soil, three of which do not allow the seed of God's Word, Grace and Presence to grow and one that does. I often image my heart as the field, the soil and so I ask the question what condition is my heart in? Is it good soil? Can God's Word, God's Grace, God's Presence grow there? Or is it the foot path, the rocky ground, the patch of weeds and thorns that will not allow God to grow?

Why might my heart be like to foot path? Because I have been hurt at times in my life and I have hardened, I don't let God or others in? Why might my heart be rocky ground? Because I am a sinner. The rocks, boulders and pebbles are my sins. Why might my heart be clutters with thorns? Because the thorns are the things of my life that have become more important than God.

So in order to have a heart full of good soil that produces a bountiful harvest I need to loosen up the hard places, move the rocks, boulders and pebbles and do some weeding. Then my heart and my life will truly be a place where good things grow. My heart will be the place that will bring to life the gift of Jesus!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, strengthen us with the power of your love. Fill our hearts with your unrelenting presence. Help us to work the soil of our hearts by loosening the places that have become hard, by seeking the help of your forgiveness to move the rocks of our sinfulness and by finding the strength to pull the weeds and thorns that are over grown and choking off your presence. May our hearts become the good soil that bears the fruit of your love thirty and sixty and a hundredfold. Amen!

Runner's Thought: Imagine that as you stretch your muscles before you run that you are also stretching your spirit and giving it the flexibility it needs to engage God. Make each stretch a simple prayer!

It is hump day everyone so have a great Wednesday may it truly be down hill the rest of the week! I know some of you out there are still struggling with flu, winter colds and other things especially a little angel in Shelby, NC so special prayers go out to her that she will truly get better soon! May all who are struggle with illness these days feel better soon. Blessings on everyone today and may your day be rich in what matters to you and God! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

PS Happy Birthday to all birthday people today, especially Joan in St. Louis and Jurek on his way to Miami! Also I remember my Dad who would have been 98 today. I am so proud to carry his name, Paul Raymond!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 01/29/2013

Daily Thoughts: Today's readings are all about God's will. In the Letter to the Hebrews we hear about Jesus doing God's will. God doesn't want the sacrifices of the First Testament, Jesus has made the ultimate sacrifice for us now we have to live it out each and every day, no free passes! In the gospel Jesus invites us into his family, everyone who does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother. In other words if we live out life as the person God has created us to be we are part of the family!

None of this is easy. Human nature is always calling us to the easiest, quickest, self-centered and most self-indulging way of life. Most of the time our human nature rubs up against God's way, tension is created, struggle ensues. It is almost never easy to do what Jesus would do, to do what God calls us to do, yet if we respond to God's call, God's will, we are part of the family. We have the support, the prayers, the energy, the faith, the hope, the love of others and the most important other is God!

As we journey through life today, as we find ourselves in the midst of struggles between what the world suggests and what God suggests let us remember even though what God suggests might seem harder, not as glamorous, not as self-fulfilling it is the family we walk with that will make all the difference!

Daily Prayer: May there be peace within today and every day. May we trust God that we are exactly where we are meant to be. May we not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May we use those gifts that we have received and pass on the love that has been given to us. May we be confident knowing that we are a child of God. Let this presence settle into our bones and allow our soul the freedom to sing dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us. Amen! (Adapted from a Prayer by St Therese of Lisieux)

Runner's Thought: Remember that if during our runs we have the desire to run and pray then our runs can transform the simplest moments into divine encounters!

Have a great Tuesday everyone! If your day started slow, or disorganized, or in a panic, may you not worry and may it all come together by day's end! If your day started with peace and purpose may they see you through the day! If your day started with struggle and tension may you find moments of peace and calm that sustain you through the day. If your day started without God, may you let God find you so that you will not walk and work alone! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Monday, January 28, 2013

Daily Thouhgts - 01/28/2013

Daily Thoughts: First I would just like to say "Happy Feast Day" to all Dominicans as they celebrate the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas! A special Happy Feast Day to all involved in theological thought and teaching, may the spirit of St. Thomas be with you today and always as you ponder the mysteries of faith!

As I pondered the Gospel early this morning a thought came to me, not sure it is a theological thought anyone would agree with, not sure St. Thomas would approve but here it is.

When I was reading Jesus' answer to the charge that "“He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and “By the prince of demons he drives out demons.” I thought about our world, our country and our Church. We seem to be a house divided a lot of the time. Certainly we seem to be very divided in our country on all levels and we are divided in our Church on many levels. Does this mean we are doomed to failure? Is there no hope?

Well I think the answer and hope can be found in the closing sentences of the Gospel, "Amen, I say to you, all sins and all blasphemies that people utter will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an everlasting sin.”

That might not sound like a hopeful answer but I think it is. Jesus says it is about the Spirit. I think in our country and in our Church, yes we are divided but we are focused on the same spirit. The divisions in our country are about how to make it better, how to be better Americans, we all want the same thing, the same spirit, we all want this to be a good country we are divided on how to get there. In our Church we are divided on many issues but we are all focused on the same Spirit, the same God, the same end, eternal life, we are just divided on how to get there.

It is the Spirit that can give us hope in the midst of our struggles, in the midst of our divisions as a nation and a Church. All hope is lost if we loose the Spirit. As Jesus says if we deny the Spirit we cannot be forgiven. Perhaps as a nation and a Church we might stop for moment today and recognize the Spirit we all want and let the Spirit begin to help us bridge our divisions, our differences, our struggles. Let us live today through the Spirit of Hope who does marvelous deeds!

Daily Prayer: O God of all life, direct our hearts throughout this day in your wonderful Spirit of hope. So that we may always know it is you at the center of all we are, all we want, and all we are meant to be. Keep us always faithful to your everlasting Spirit of Life that we might overcome our differences and become a house united in your Love. Amen!

Runner's Thought: Remember if you run towards God, God runs twice as fast towards you. Thus, to draw closer to God it is only necessary to move in God's direction!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a good, if not great, weekend. I know some of you are dealing with the frustration of weather as you begin this new work week hopefully it will only be a minor frustration for today. A shout out to all Dominicans today as you celebrate the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, especially my Friends at the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis and Fr. Don Goergen, O.P. a great theologian and friend! Many blessings on everyone's day today may it be filled with many moments of grace, hope and God's love! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday January 27th Daily Thoughts - 01/27/2013

Daily Thoughts: Late last night after a nice evening with some friends I was watching one of my favorite movies the "Shawshank Redemption." There is one scene that I always wait for, Andy is sitting out along one of the walls of the prison and Red comes and sits with him. They have a conversation about life, specifically Andy's life. At one point Andy says, "I guess you either get busy living or get busy dying!"

This phrase has always stayed with me from the first time I saw the movie I think because it states a real truth about life. A truth that I believe Luke and Jesus ask us to think about in today's Gospel. We do have choices in life, they have been with us since the first moment of creation and the choice Luke, asks Theophilus to make and the choice Jesus makes is to "get busy about living!"

The breath of Jesus' life and ministry centers on the living of life, being the person God has created us to be. I have of preached on this passage of Luke's Gospel and said it presents two pictures, one of a day in the life of Jesus and the other of a day in the life of each of us. The difference between the two pictures is that we know the end of Jesus' story, we know that he fulfilled all of the words of Isaiah the Prophet that he read in the synagogue that day but we do not know the end of our story. What will we do with our life? What words of a prophet, of an evangelist, of an apostle, a saint, of Jesus will we fulfill?

We have two choice in this life to either be "busy about living or busy about dying." Which choice will you choose today? I hope it is to be busy about living!

Daily Prayer: O God, Creator of all good things, enliven your love that is within us so that we will always be busy about living. Busy about living our faith in you. Busy about living in your hope for us and our world. Busy about living your love which brought us into being and walks with us every step of this journey of life. Busy about living a life in which all life and all people are reverenced as your creation. Busy about living in your peace which means respect rather than judgment. Amen!

Runner's Thought: Remember each run helps you embark on a pilgrimage of the ordinary which often leads you to the extraordinary and sacred!

Blessings this Day of the Lord everyone! If you are a baseball fan and haven't seen Bob Costas' eulogy for Stan Musial it is worth the time. I would like to send a shout out to Jess and David Lorden and say thanks for a very nice dinner and even better conversation and company last night! This is my last weekend until May of not being busy so I am enjoying it as best I can. Starting next weekend I will be on the road hopefully busy about living by proclaiming the Good News! Have a great day everyone. May you find time for family and friend if they are near. May you get a little time to relax if the busyness of life allows you some. May you find the gift of life and peace in all you do today! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

PS Remember to stop by my new web site!