Aramaic, the word for child, servant, and slave is the same, which reflects the
cultural attitude of first-century Palestine. But Jesus says “for the Kingdom
of heaven belongs to such as these.” What a switch! Jesus is turning the social
structure upside down! What does Jesus see that the learned and clever cannot
are vulnerable and totally dependent. Because they lack power and control, they
live in trust. Relying totally on their parents, they learn and grow. This is
the stance that Jesus took when he taught his disciples to pray. We need to do
the same.
We need
to value the gift of children in our lives. They should not be silenced, or
abused, or hidden away, or seen but not heard. They should be in our midst
always reminding us to be vulnerable, dependent, trusting and loving. They need
to remind us to have joy always in our hearts!
Have a great
Saturday everyone and be aware of the gift of children around you today because
they know the Kingdom!
Loving God, help us today and always, as Jesus said, to become a child once
again. Help us to know that we are loved by you. Help us to let go of pride and
pretense. Help us to trust so that we can let go of all our futile and
unnecessary attempts to prove that we are worthy of your love. Let us know the
humble prayer of being your much loved child. Amen!
Runner’s Thoughts: “Struggling and suffering are the essence of a life worth
living. If you're not pushing yourself beyond the comfort zone, if you're not
demanding more from yourself - expanding and learning as you go - you're
choosing a numb existence. You're denying yourself an extraordinary trip.” (Dean Karnazes)
Saturday greetings and blessings to all. It is another hot and humid day here
in Pelham. Once again storm pasted through last night but the humidity did not
break. It feels like an open oven when you walk outside. Very difficult weather
to sun in. I hope the summer weather is a little more life giving and
energizing by you.
will be a preparation day as I look toward Sunday Mass in Chappaqua and then
head to Long Beach and St. Ignatius Martyr Parish for the next two weeks. I
have a few things I need to get done before I head out to Long Beach on Monday morning.
My prayer
of blessing for all of you today is that your weekend will be a restful and
relaxing far from the busyness that life often heaps upon us. I pray you have
had a good weekend whether you were working, vacationing or traveling. I also
pray that your day will be blessed with people that will gift your life with
laughter, smiles and fun. Don’t forget to give a little time to God this
weekend. Remember one hour is not a lot of time and God will appreciate hearing
from you!
to all today and throughout the weekend, be safe if you are traveling and don’t
forget to smile. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul