Today we encounter the final verses of John’s Gospel. As we have traveled through
the Easter season we have retold the stories of Jesus’ meetings with the
disciples after the Resurrection. Drawing on yesterday’s Gospel Jesus helps the
disciples catch a large number of fish and in doing so he gets their attention
after which they gather to have a little breakfast. Having nourished themselves
Jesus then challenges Peter three times with the question “Do you love me?”
What we read today is the final call of Peter.
In the
early part of John’s Gospel, Jesus, is followed by two of John the Baptist’s
disciples. In the story Jesus turns and asks the two men perhaps a most
important question, “What are you seeking?” The two men reply by asking Jesus
where he is staying. Jesus extends the invitation to, “Come and see.” Jesus does not say, “Come and find out.” Jesus simply invites them as he will invite
others and all of us for that matter, to come, to see and so believe. This is
Jesus’ ongoing invitation, the challenge of being people of faith throughout
our journey of life. In John’s Gospel,
believing is seeing the “signs” so that believing beyond “signs” will be what
it means “to follow”.
So John ends
his Gospel with Peter’s having seen enough “signs” including the large catch of
fish after catching nothing, during the night. Perhaps when looking back at the
disciple who Jesus loved, Peter is asking for another “sign”, a companion whom
Peter could trust for support. Jesus indicates that this disciple has his own
calling as does Peter, as do all of us. Peter’s calling is to trust in his
friendship with Jesus throughout the rest of the story, the end of which Peter
does not know.
final verses are a summary reflection of all that Jesus has done throughout his
ministry. It is a summary of all the “signs” that are there to be seen and all
who can see the “signs” are no longer blind, they believe, they have faith,
because of having seen, because they have encountered Christ. As John says
there were many events in the life of Jesus, but those that have been written
down are just the right amount for Peter and any reader of the Gospel.
With the
coming of the Spirit we are given the gift of faith which is a variety of
vision by which we look for and receive “signs” of the presence of Jesus and of
his calling us to follow into the unknown of our tomorrows. We, like Peter,
will always want assurances, companions, and more “signs” to make believing a
little bit easier. God gives us just the right amount of what’s good for our
own response.
Have a
great Saturday everyone!
O, God, to know you is life. To serve you is freedom. To praise you is the
soul's joy and delight. Guard us with the power of your grace here and in all
places. Now and at all times, forever. Amen. (Adapted from a prayer by St.
Augustine of Hippo)
Runner’s Thoughts: “I don’t run to add days to my life, I run to add life to
my days.” (Ronald Rook)
Saturday greetings and blessings everyone! I hope your Saturday has begun well
and that you are enjoying the beauty of God's creation wherever you are. It looks
to be a beautiful sunny day here in Pelham as the morning begins. I was up at
4:30 am this morning and out of the house by 5:00 am taking two guests to
Kennedy Airport. I made the round trip in an hour. Travel at that time of the
morning is so easy! Now I must spend the rest of the morning preparing for a
funeral at 10:00 am. It is nice getting going early but I am sure the short
night and early morning will cause a crash at some point later today. Until
then I am going to enjoy the gift of this day.
My prayer
of blessing is that this will be a day blessed in God's presence, grace and
love. That it will be a day bless with wonderful experiences, safe travel, if
you are traveling, and the rest and relaxation that will help you to enjoy the
gift of your life! Remember to give God a little time this Pentecost weekend. Peace
in Christ's Passion and Joy in the gifts of the Holy Spirit...Fr. Paul