Daily Thoughts: Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception, we had a wonderful mass here at Holy Family Parish in Nassau at 8:00 am this morning. Last night I attended a wonderful celebrate of a sister's 50 years of service to her community and the church. It was in the cathedral here in Nassau. Sr. Annie life reminded me a lot of Mary's life. 50 years ago Sr. Annie a simple response of yes, and has lived out a wonderful life. With today's feast our thoughts center around Mary's "Yes." A simple response that we make many times in life sometimes on things that change our life, sometimes on things that have little impact on our life. Mary's "Yes" changed our life profoundly because it paved the way for Christ to come into the world. It was not an easy "Yes" as there was fear involved but Mary moved beyond fear to love. Remember as scripture says, "Love casts our fear!" In her love for God, Mary stepped beyond fear and said "Yes!" Whom do we respond to God or the world? What is our response to God's invitations in our life?
Daily Prayer:O God, help us to cast out the fear that the world creates in our hearts so that we may be always ready to say yes to your loving presence. May we like Mary bring the gift of Christ to the world! Amen!
Runner's Thought: Run with energy, run with purpose, run with joy! Be ready for the gifts of God's creation with every stride and let stress and tension go!
Enjoy your Saturday everyone, hope you are not too busy today. Blessings today and always...Peace in Christ's Passion, Fr. Paul
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Advent Friday Thoughts - 12/07/2012
Daily Thought: "Let it be done according to your faith." The words of Jesus to the two blind men in the Gospel today. It was their faith that healed them, enabled them to see again and even though Jesus said keep it quite they had to proclaim their good news. But I was wondering as I sat on the plane today, do we not find healing and the good news because of our faith too or should I say by our lack of faith at times, or the shallowness of our faith? Perhaps when we find ourselves questioning God it might be better to question ourselves! What kind of faith do we have...the kind that heals and proclaims the Good News or the kind that holds us back from being healed and proclaiming the Good News?
Daily Prayer: O God, we believe help our moments of unbelief. Strengthen our hearts with a faith and can heal, hope, love and proclaim the Good News! Amen!
Runners Thought: As you run never underestimate the power of dreams, the influence of the human spirit and the presence of God!
I know I am a little late today, I have been traveling since 7:45 am this morning. But now I am settled and looking forward to my week here with Holy Family Parish in Nassau. Please pray for the preacher and the people as we gather around the Good News! Have a wonderful evening and a great weekend. Hopefully you will not be too busy and can enjoy family and friends a little! Blessings always...Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
Daily Prayer: O God, we believe help our moments of unbelief. Strengthen our hearts with a faith and can heal, hope, love and proclaim the Good News! Amen!
Runners Thought: As you run never underestimate the power of dreams, the influence of the human spirit and the presence of God!
I know I am a little late today, I have been traveling since 7:45 am this morning. But now I am settled and looking forward to my week here with Holy Family Parish in Nassau. Please pray for the preacher and the people as we gather around the Good News! Have a wonderful evening and a great weekend. Hopefully you will not be too busy and can enjoy family and friends a little! Blessings always...Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Advent Thursday Thoughts - 12/06/2012
Happy Feast of St. Nicholas! Sorry that I am a little late today but it was a bust morning as I have to get things done before I leave tomorrow for a parish mission. I will be headed to Holy Family Parish in Nassau, Bahamas. I will be spending the week there celebrating the parish mission from December 9th through December 13th and then I will return to Pelham on December 14th. Yes, I know it is tough work but somebody has to do it and I will try to suffer in silent! Also I will try and stay warm...
Daily Thought: It is interesting I ended the parish mission last night with the parable of the Rich Fool! In today's Gospel Jesus speaks about the Wise and the Foolish Person. The question is on what foundation is our faith, our relationship with God built. Here in New York we got a very profound example of the power of the wind and the sea just a little over a month ago. Home take were build near the shore took a big hit, many were riped from their foundations. We know first hand the power of nature. Jesus is using the image of the power of nature to remind us that there are many things in this life that can pose a threat to our faith, our relationship and if we don't have it anchored well, if we have not build our relationship with God on a strong foundation the challenges, the struggles, the difficulties of life are going to ripe our faith from it's foundation. As we learned from yesterday's Gospel God will take care of us but we have got to trust and we have got to be willing to share. So today let us not be foolish, let us be wise so that our faith does not collapse but that it stands firm in the midst of the storms of life!
As extra thought to keep our faith rooted on rock...St. John Chrysostom days: "Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, a protection against sadness."
Daily Prayer: O God, stir up your power and come. Help us with your mighty strength, your mercy and your grace to stand firm amid the storms of life. Bless us today with a strong foundation so that when the floods come, the winds blow and the rain falls we will have shelter and strength in your love! Amen!
Runner's Thought: A runner who embarks on the journey of prayer and running can expect surprises, missteps, and perhaps great leaps toward a relationship with God!
Have a great Thursday everyone! Hopefully, St. Nicholas left a little something in your shoes this morning, if not hopefully he will touch your life with a little blessing during the day! As I said above I leave for a parish mission in Nassau, Bahamas tomorrow so my Daily Thoughts and Prayers might be a little inconsistent over the next week. I will try to remain faithful! Please if you get a chance to offer a little prayer in the coming week for this humble preacher and the faith community at Holy Family in Nassau, that our mission together might be a time of grace and hope!
Just a heads-up I will be launching a new web site in the not too distant future with the help of the people at Upper Room Media. Hopefully it will be another way to connect, to get the Good News out and to promote the Passionist Preaching Ministry. I will keep you updated and let you know when "preacherman.org" is online! Great things happening in the New Year! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
Daily Thought: It is interesting I ended the parish mission last night with the parable of the Rich Fool! In today's Gospel Jesus speaks about the Wise and the Foolish Person. The question is on what foundation is our faith, our relationship with God built. Here in New York we got a very profound example of the power of the wind and the sea just a little over a month ago. Home take were build near the shore took a big hit, many were riped from their foundations. We know first hand the power of nature. Jesus is using the image of the power of nature to remind us that there are many things in this life that can pose a threat to our faith, our relationship and if we don't have it anchored well, if we have not build our relationship with God on a strong foundation the challenges, the struggles, the difficulties of life are going to ripe our faith from it's foundation. As we learned from yesterday's Gospel God will take care of us but we have got to trust and we have got to be willing to share. So today let us not be foolish, let us be wise so that our faith does not collapse but that it stands firm in the midst of the storms of life!
As extra thought to keep our faith rooted on rock...St. John Chrysostom days: "Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, a protection against sadness."
Daily Prayer: O God, stir up your power and come. Help us with your mighty strength, your mercy and your grace to stand firm amid the storms of life. Bless us today with a strong foundation so that when the floods come, the winds blow and the rain falls we will have shelter and strength in your love! Amen!
Runner's Thought: A runner who embarks on the journey of prayer and running can expect surprises, missteps, and perhaps great leaps toward a relationship with God!
Have a great Thursday everyone! Hopefully, St. Nicholas left a little something in your shoes this morning, if not hopefully he will touch your life with a little blessing during the day! As I said above I leave for a parish mission in Nassau, Bahamas tomorrow so my Daily Thoughts and Prayers might be a little inconsistent over the next week. I will try to remain faithful! Please if you get a chance to offer a little prayer in the coming week for this humble preacher and the faith community at Holy Family in Nassau, that our mission together might be a time of grace and hope!
Just a heads-up I will be launching a new web site in the not too distant future with the help of the people at Upper Room Media. Hopefully it will be another way to connect, to get the Good News out and to promote the Passionist Preaching Ministry. I will keep you updated and let you know when "preacherman.org" is online! Great things happening in the New Year! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Advent Wednesday Thoughts - 12/05/2012
Daily Thought: Both of today's readings talk about a holy mountain. For Isaiah the holy mountain is the place of a wonderful feast, a banquet of rich food, of choice wines, a place where tears are wiped away. Jesus' holy mountain is a place where people are healed and feed. It is a place where all the excluded people can come and be included, the lame, the blind, the deformed, those that cannot speak and many others. Both holy mountains, or should I say, the holy mountain is a place of mystery and a place of great mercy, love, forgiveness, it is God's place!
Perhaps, today's readings are a reminded to all of us that God does not discriminated, in fact God goes looking for all who are often not included so they can be included. Perhaps today's readings remind us that none of us are perfect, we are all in need of healing and of nourishment, that we all are in this journey of life together. Let's us welcome the miracle of God's healing and love and may it be what we share during this holy day!
Daily Prayer: O God of the Holy Mountain, prepare our hearts today with the divine power of your love that we might be willing to welcome all to the banquet of life on your holy mountain. Help us to share the great gifts of your love with all we meet today not counting the cost, not judging those whom we meet. Help us to rejoice and be glad this day satisfied in your love and ready to share the fragments of today's banquet tomorrow! Amen!
Runner's Thought: Make your run a meditation today, flush the mind and open the heart and know God is with you!
Note: Today is the last day of my parish mission at Holy Name of Mary in Croton on Hudson, NY. Again, if you are in the area come join us at either 12 noon or 7:30 pm. If not say a little prayer for the preacher and all who will gather with him today and tonight! May we celebrate God's holy mountain and God's rich banquet together!
Have a great Wednesday! Many blessings upon you and all you meet today and on whatever you do, wherever you are! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
Perhaps, today's readings are a reminded to all of us that God does not discriminated, in fact God goes looking for all who are often not included so they can be included. Perhaps today's readings remind us that none of us are perfect, we are all in need of healing and of nourishment, that we all are in this journey of life together. Let's us welcome the miracle of God's healing and love and may it be what we share during this holy day!
Daily Prayer: O God of the Holy Mountain, prepare our hearts today with the divine power of your love that we might be willing to welcome all to the banquet of life on your holy mountain. Help us to share the great gifts of your love with all we meet today not counting the cost, not judging those whom we meet. Help us to rejoice and be glad this day satisfied in your love and ready to share the fragments of today's banquet tomorrow! Amen!
Runner's Thought: Make your run a meditation today, flush the mind and open the heart and know God is with you!
Note: Today is the last day of my parish mission at Holy Name of Mary in Croton on Hudson, NY. Again, if you are in the area come join us at either 12 noon or 7:30 pm. If not say a little prayer for the preacher and all who will gather with him today and tonight! May we celebrate God's holy mountain and God's rich banquet together!
Have a great Wednesday! Many blessings upon you and all you meet today and on whatever you do, wherever you are! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Advent Tuesday's Thoughts - 12/04/2012
Daily Thought: Did you ever take time to watch little children? Recently I spent time with my two grand nieces. I was with them for about four days so I had some quality time with them and while they had me involved in their life periodically during my stay other times I was able to sit back and just watch them. It amazed me at how they could take almost anything and make it into a play toy. My littlest niece Kristina, age almost 3, played for hours with board games, like Risk, Trivial Pursue, and others that she had no understanding of, yet there was a joy and contentment on her face as she moved the games pieces around the board talking and sometimes singing to herself. Both of my nieces allowed their imaginations to enliven their lives each day.
I reflected on this experience with my nieces as I read Jesus' words in the Gospel today. I believe God truly reveals many things to children that we adults miss. Children know the joy and the love of God. Through their imaginations I truly believe they see the hidden gifts of God. We can learn a lot from children, if we let them be children and if we stop to watch and celebrate the gift of their presence in our life.
Children also keep alive the hope that Isaiah talks about in the first reading today. If we use our imagination as children do we will be able to see the wonderful life that Isaiah envisions, where the wolf will be the guest of the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid... We will encounter the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, strength and wonder and awe! In other words we will encounter a world were justice and peace flourishes. Yes, I know it seem far fetched but perhaps all it takes from us adults is a little imagination!
Daily Prayer: Loving God, helps us today to embrace your Gospel with imagination seeing a world touched by your presence and love.May we be your prophets who by our words, our works, our faith and our imagination keep alive your gift of hope within this struggling world! Amen!
Runner's Thought: Run today with imagination so that each stride brings you closer the wonder of God's presence in your life.
It is the second day of the parish mission at Holy Name of Mary in Croton on Hudson, NY. Day 1 was a wonderful experience, there was a great spirit at each mission service, I look for more of the same today! Again, if you are in the area stop in and celebrate with us, if not say a little prayer for the preacher and all who attend!
Have a great Tuesday...Happy Birthday to my nephew, James, I hope your finals are not too stressful! Imagine a world of peace today! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
I reflected on this experience with my nieces as I read Jesus' words in the Gospel today. I believe God truly reveals many things to children that we adults miss. Children know the joy and the love of God. Through their imaginations I truly believe they see the hidden gifts of God. We can learn a lot from children, if we let them be children and if we stop to watch and celebrate the gift of their presence in our life.
Children also keep alive the hope that Isaiah talks about in the first reading today. If we use our imagination as children do we will be able to see the wonderful life that Isaiah envisions, where the wolf will be the guest of the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid... We will encounter the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, strength and wonder and awe! In other words we will encounter a world were justice and peace flourishes. Yes, I know it seem far fetched but perhaps all it takes from us adults is a little imagination!
Daily Prayer: Loving God, helps us today to embrace your Gospel with imagination seeing a world touched by your presence and love.May we be your prophets who by our words, our works, our faith and our imagination keep alive your gift of hope within this struggling world! Amen!
Runner's Thought: Run today with imagination so that each stride brings you closer the wonder of God's presence in your life.
It is the second day of the parish mission at Holy Name of Mary in Croton on Hudson, NY. Day 1 was a wonderful experience, there was a great spirit at each mission service, I look for more of the same today! Again, if you are in the area stop in and celebrate with us, if not say a little prayer for the preacher and all who attend!
Have a great Tuesday...Happy Birthday to my nephew, James, I hope your finals are not too stressful! Imagine a world of peace today! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
Monday, December 3, 2012
Advent Monday Thoughts - 12/04/2012
Daily Thoughts: In reading the scripture for today two thoughts came to mind. First I have always like the section for Isaiah which is the first reading today. I carry the hopefulness that one day swords, guns, bombs and all other means of violence will be beaten into plowshares, micro chips, ovens, stoves, refrigerators, anything useful and life giving. I hope for the day when we will not train younger women and men for war ever again and that every nation will live in peace! Yes, I know this might be an impossible hope, but I still hope. Perhaps for me Emily Dickinson puts it best... "Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings
the tune--without the words, and never stops at all!" May hope never stop for any of us...
My second thought centers on the Gospel for today. It is a familiar story in Matthew's Gospel of the centurion who asks Jesus to heal a servant. Did you ever realize when reading the Gospels that most of the people who have faith and not part of the community but outsiders. This centurion had great faith, a faith that ultimately brings healing to his servant. This Gospel story and others like it should remind us that God's presence, God's healing, God's grace, God's work can come from anywhere and from anyone. Dismissing people for any reason is not a good practice because by dismissing them we may just be dismissing God and an opportunity to be healed!
Daily Prayer: O God of all who wait, grace us today with your gift of peace and help us to see, to find, to recognize your gift in ourselves and in all we meet. Grace us with your gift of faith that we might bring healing to each moment of life. Grace us with your hope that we might find you in each person and every moment of life even though we are unworthy to have you enter under our roof! Grace us with your joy in life this day and always! Amen!
Runner's Thought: God does not wait at the finish line, God is constantly with us in all things and all people. As we run, as we live, our task is simply to recognize that fact and hold it with us!
Note: Today is the feast of St. Francis Xavier, a Jesuit priest and missionary, but for me it brings to mind a very good friend, Fr. Xavier Vitacolonna, C.P. who died just about a month ago. Fr. Xavier's given name was Francis, his religious name was Xavier. He was a brother, priest and missionary. I include him in my prayer today and a member of the communion of saints! Help us to bring peace Fr. Xav!
Have a great Monday friends, may God be with you as your enter this new work week. May you be blessed in all your endeavors this week! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
PS My parish mission opens today at 12 noon and again at 7:30 pm at Holy Name of Mary Parish in Croton on Hudson, NY if you are in the area joins us, if not please say a prayer for the preacher and all who will join me.
If you get a chance to comment I would appreciate it. I would just like to know what you are thinking about Daily Thoughts, Daily Prayers, Runners Thoughts or any suggestions about adding to this ministry!
My second thought centers on the Gospel for today. It is a familiar story in Matthew's Gospel of the centurion who asks Jesus to heal a servant. Did you ever realize when reading the Gospels that most of the people who have faith and not part of the community but outsiders. This centurion had great faith, a faith that ultimately brings healing to his servant. This Gospel story and others like it should remind us that God's presence, God's healing, God's grace, God's work can come from anywhere and from anyone. Dismissing people for any reason is not a good practice because by dismissing them we may just be dismissing God and an opportunity to be healed!
Daily Prayer: O God of all who wait, grace us today with your gift of peace and help us to see, to find, to recognize your gift in ourselves and in all we meet. Grace us with your gift of faith that we might bring healing to each moment of life. Grace us with your hope that we might find you in each person and every moment of life even though we are unworthy to have you enter under our roof! Grace us with your joy in life this day and always! Amen!
Runner's Thought: God does not wait at the finish line, God is constantly with us in all things and all people. As we run, as we live, our task is simply to recognize that fact and hold it with us!
Note: Today is the feast of St. Francis Xavier, a Jesuit priest and missionary, but for me it brings to mind a very good friend, Fr. Xavier Vitacolonna, C.P. who died just about a month ago. Fr. Xavier's given name was Francis, his religious name was Xavier. He was a brother, priest and missionary. I include him in my prayer today and a member of the communion of saints! Help us to bring peace Fr. Xav!
Have a great Monday friends, may God be with you as your enter this new work week. May you be blessed in all your endeavors this week! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
PS My parish mission opens today at 12 noon and again at 7:30 pm at Holy Name of Mary Parish in Croton on Hudson, NY if you are in the area joins us, if not please say a prayer for the preacher and all who will join me.
If you get a chance to comment I would appreciate it. I would just like to know what you are thinking about Daily Thoughts, Daily Prayers, Runners Thoughts or any suggestions about adding to this ministry!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Happy Advent! Sunday's Thoughts - 12/02/2021
Daily Thought: I find one of my favorite lines in the Scripture in today's Gospel. "But when these signs happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand." Now this might seem strange to you, and I have to say I might not say it in the same words, but I believe what Jesus is getting at is to be hopeful, confident and proud (good kind of pride) in your faith, in your relationship with God. I might say it this way, "Stand up straight, stick out your chest, hold your head high be ready for God's presence in your life!"
Awhile ago during the synod on the New Evangelization that was held in Rome one of the cardinals said that we need this New Evangelization because we are embarrassed by our faith. I took offence to that. I have never been embarrassed by my faith. I have been embarrassed by some of our leadership. I have been embarrassed by the institution, I have been embarrassed by the actions of some people, I have been embarrassed by my own actions at times but I have never been embarrassed by my faith, my belief in God and my relationship with God. I want to stand up straight, with my chest out and my head held high and believe!
Advent is a new beginning, a time of hopefulness, a time to look at the trials, tribulations, struggles, disappointments, difficulties of life and say "I believe, We believe!" May we take the words of the scriptures to heart today and everyday throughout this Advent Season and make ready to "Believe" once again in our Faithful and Loving God!
Daily Prayer: Almighty and Ever Living God, grant us your faithful people the firm resolve to run forth to meet Christ by living life with love for one another. Strengthen our hearts so that we may always when called stand straight, with our chests out and our heads up because we believe! Amen!
Runners' Thought: "When running [when life] harder, when you get tired, when you are climbing a steep hill, these are reminders to come home to your breath, to your awareness of God." - Roger Joslin
Happy Advent Everyone! Happy New Church Year! Have a great Sunday and don't forget to take a little time with God, Family and Friends today! Blessings on all your endeavors this week! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
PS I am giving an Advent Parish Mission this week from Monday to Wednesday at Holy Name of Mary Parish in Croton-on-Hudson, NY. If you are in the area stop in and celebrate with us, if not a few prayers for the preacher would be appreciated!
Awhile ago during the synod on the New Evangelization that was held in Rome one of the cardinals said that we need this New Evangelization because we are embarrassed by our faith. I took offence to that. I have never been embarrassed by my faith. I have been embarrassed by some of our leadership. I have been embarrassed by the institution, I have been embarrassed by the actions of some people, I have been embarrassed by my own actions at times but I have never been embarrassed by my faith, my belief in God and my relationship with God. I want to stand up straight, with my chest out and my head held high and believe!
Advent is a new beginning, a time of hopefulness, a time to look at the trials, tribulations, struggles, disappointments, difficulties of life and say "I believe, We believe!" May we take the words of the scriptures to heart today and everyday throughout this Advent Season and make ready to "Believe" once again in our Faithful and Loving God!
Daily Prayer: Almighty and Ever Living God, grant us your faithful people the firm resolve to run forth to meet Christ by living life with love for one another. Strengthen our hearts so that we may always when called stand straight, with our chests out and our heads up because we believe! Amen!
Runners' Thought: "When running [when life] harder, when you get tired, when you are climbing a steep hill, these are reminders to come home to your breath, to your awareness of God." - Roger Joslin
Happy Advent Everyone! Happy New Church Year! Have a great Sunday and don't forget to take a little time with God, Family and Friends today! Blessings on all your endeavors this week! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
PS I am giving an Advent Parish Mission this week from Monday to Wednesday at Holy Name of Mary Parish in Croton-on-Hudson, NY. If you are in the area stop in and celebrate with us, if not a few prayers for the preacher would be appreciated!
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