Friday, January 10, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 01/10/2014

Daily Thoughts: "Lord if you wish, you can make me clean. Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him and said, I do will it. Be made clean. And the leprosy left him immediately." I think the key elements of this story are the person's faith in Jesus, the willingness of Jesus to heal and Jesus' touch. Maybe the most important element is Jesus' touch, his willingness to be connected with someone who is unclean by the standards of culture, society and religion.

Today whether we are talking about our culture, society or even our church the usual response is to disconnect ourselves from someone defined as unclean. Yet, Jesus sought to be connected. He did not want to push them away from the community but to bring them into the community.

The Feast of the Epiphany which we celebrated last Sunday was about the universal nature of Christ's presence in the world. Jesus confirms that nature today by reaching out to one who has been pushed out of the community. It is a profound moment it is a challenge to all of us who proclaim we believe. Do we wish, do we will that all belong to the community no matter what? Jesus does and he was willing to step across a boundary to make sure that it happens. Are we?

Perhaps like Jesus it is a commitment to prayer that will help us to, wish it and will it. It is through prayer, our conversation with God, that we will find the strength to walk with Jesus across the boundaries imposed and bring others to the community, to friendship with God!

Have a great day everyone!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, we know that you wish your community of faith to include everyone. Help us to break down the barriers, to across the boundaries that our world, our culture, our society, our institutions create to bring healing to all your people. Help us to be committed to prayer, to our conversation with you, so that we will always have the strength share with others the healing power of your love! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Run in a new place today, for new places can stretch our capacity for finding the presence of God as we run!

Daily Blessing: Greetings and TGIF to all on this Friday morning. I have a very nice day yesterday at the Bishop Molloy Passionist Retreat House. There were about 55 people at the Day of Recollection and everyone seemed to enjoy our time of reflection and prayer together. Thanks to Fr. John Michael and Fr. Michael for the invitation and for your hospitality. Thanks to all who came and journeyed in faith with me.

I hope everyone has had a good week. It certainly has been a cold one and I am sure particularly in the early part of the week things were a bit tough. However things seem to be warming a bit and perhaps that means a good weekend for everyone before the cold returns again.

My prayer of blessing today for all of us is a simple one - may we all have a day filled with many blessings and much grace where ever we find ourselves. If we are on the road or away from home or just have to travel each day may we return home safely this evening to begin a restful weekend with the people most important in our lives! And if our schedule for today and this weekend calls for busyness may we find some quiet, restful and peaceful time during the busyness! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 01/09/2014

Daily Thoughts: Today’s Gospel (Luke) presents us with a moment in Jesus' early ministry when he returns home perhaps for a weekend visit. This story whenever I read it or hear it always paints two pictures for me, one of a moment in the life of Jesus and the other a moment in our own lives.

The moment in Jesus' life is pretty straight forward he returns home and like a good young man honors his faith by going to the synagogue on the Sabbath. He is now a wise young man with a reputation as a preacher so he is honor by being asked to do the reading. So he stands up and is handed the scroll of the Prophet Isaiah and proceeds to read the passage where Isaiah says, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me..." A very familiar passage to us and the community gather for prayer that day. After the reading Jesus just sits down but everyone there is in awe and all eyes turn to Jesus. After what probably were a few moments of awkward silence, Jesus simple says, "Today this Scripture passage if fulfilled in your hearing." Perhaps in other words, "Folks, this is what my life is going to be about, today my ministry starts!" After with those words everyone is even more amazed! A pretty straightforward picture wouldn't you say?

Now as for the second picture of us – every one of us have had a moment like Jesus. We have been in our own parish church perhaps for a sacrament, baptism, confirmation, first communion, marriage and a community has gathered. At some point during that sacrament all eyes are on us, watching us receive baptism, receive communion, take our vows, be anointed with oil. After the mass or the service people have come up to us and congratulated us and speak highly of us because of this special moment in our lives.

The difference between Jesus' picture and ours is that we know the end of Jesus' story. We know he did fulfill the words of Isaiah by the way he lived, died and rose for the death. However, we don't know the end of our story! Will we fulfill the words of our baptism, our confirmation, our marriage, our priesthood, our religious life, our Eucharist?

Today we are asked once again to love and in doing so to live that love as best we can by bringing the gift and presence of God to the world. We are asked to stand up and proclaim the Good News with our life and let that proclamation be fulfilled in the way we live our faith! So my friends, stand tall, love richly and live fully today and always!

Daily Prayer: O God, help us to live life to its fullest, loving richly, acting justly and walking humbly with you our loving God. Help us to bring life to the Good News that we proclaim by our lives so that all who hear and see will know the gift of your love. Amen!

Runner's Thoughts: Always run open to discovering the strength that you did not know you had, let that strength be the very Spirit of God's presence in your life!

Daily Blessing: Before I forget I would like to send a shout out to my friend, classmate and fellow Passionist, Fr. Chris Cleary, C.P. on his birthday. Happy Birthday, Chris and many blessings today and always and yes you can use as many puns as you want today!

In a few moments I will be headed over to Jamaica Queens, NY to our retreat house there, Bishop Molloy, to give a Day of Recollection. I am looking forward to the day and perhaps for those of you in the New York area, I might be seeing you.

My prayer today is that God will continue to bless all of us with his life giving presence and that God will grace us with the strength and energy to share that presence wherever we go and with whomever we meet! Blessings to all today, have a great day, stay warm and know that God is with you! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 01/08/2014

Daily Thoughts: After hearing the readings for today mass I might ask the question, "What do you most fear?" In answering this question one might come up with many examples of things that might cause us to fear. You might fear the future because of the state of the world at this time and all the violence that seems to take place. Perhaps you fear the future of our Church because of all the things that have happened over the last 15 or 20 years. Maybe if you are a priest and a religious like me you are afraid of the future of religious life and priesthood. There are many things to fear. However, the question is what do we fear most at this moment in our life? As I said this question is based on the readings today, they both deal with fear. In the first reading, (1 John 4:11-18), John talks about perfect love casting out fear and in the Gospel, (Mark 6:45-52), Jesus tells the disciples to have courage and not fear. Yet fear always seems to be a part of life.

I know for myself, fear has always raised its ugly head. I remember my mother talking about the time in her life just before I was born, when she was carrying me. She said that was a time when she struggled with fear. Mom, my father and my sister had just move back to the Pittsburgh area into a new home. It was in a new subdivision about 15 miles outside of Pittsburgh, only a few homes were built and there were very few people in the neighborhood. She had no phone for a while, no car and spent a good portion of the day lone with my sister who was about 5 years old. Mother always said it was a fearful time in her life. I have often wondered if, I the baby in her womb was affected by that time of fear in her life, because once I came into the world it seemed I was afraid of everything including my own shadow!

However, the question I asked at the beginning of this reflection gives me cause to pause and think, "What am I most afraid of?" There are many things I am afraid of but I have come, over the last few years, to realize that I am most afraid of love, not being loved, not finding love. I think it is because I realize that with love fear would not be a problem, yet fear is a problem for me. I think it is because I struggle with love.

Both Jesus and John tell us that today, if we love, if we allow ourselves to be loved, especially by God then fear will never hurt us, because love casts out fear. With love there is no room for fear without love fear takes up all the room!

No matter what life throws at us, no matter what changes take place in religious life, the church, culture, society, no matter what we lose or struggle with in life, if we let love in, if we value the presence of love, if we let ourselves love and be loved fear has no chance, no room!
Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God, giver of all good gifts, pour into our hearts the brilliant light of your perfect love so that we may see, feel, embrace and welcome the gift of love into our lives as it comes to us from you and others. Loving God, give us strength and helps us to have hearts that are open so that we will always be ready and willing to love and be loved. Grant us a lasting peace made possible by your love which casts out all fear. Amen!

Runner's Thoughts: Run without fear today, breathe, run and permit the spirit of God's loving presence to be in each stride you take!

Daily Blessing: Happy Hump Day everyone! We might say it is also Hump Day for the weather. While it is certainly still cold things seem to be slowly warming up around the nation.  May the warmth continue to come and may things get back to a more normal routine for everyone.

I need to make my blessing short today as I am off in a few moments to the funeral of a long time retreatant from our Riverdale retreat center. So very simply I pray for God’s blessings today on all of us. May we all have a day blessed and graced without fear because it is touch by much love! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 01/07/2014

Daily Thoughts: Our readings today offer us a challenge. In the first reading (1 John 4:7-10) John continues his emphasis on love as the key element for knowing God. Without love we are lost. The way we find love, experience love is through God, because God so loved us that he gave us his only son, God teaches us about love.

The Gospel (Mark 6:34-44) echoes John's reflections but in a different way. Jesus challenges us to focus beyond ourselves, to have love for others. He is moved with pity at the vast crowd, he wants to help them spiritually but also physically. They need to eat, they need to be nourished. The disciples want Jesus to send them home, to get rid of them. Let them take care of themselves! Not Jesus, he cares not just about himself, his disciples, but about everyone. God so loves all of us.

Now for me the interesting part of the Gospel is how Jesus goes about teaching here. Now before I go any further I need to say that I truly believe a miracle took place here. Jesus did take the five loaves and the two fish and feed the five thousand. It was a miracle, but he also taught his disciples and us a valuable lesson, he taught us to sharing. If we look around at what we have we can make it work for ourselves and others. Yes, a miracle fed the five thousand but a teaching about sharing what we have out of love for the other was the main objective. Jesus did not feed the five thousand from nothing, he asked what was available and from what people had he fed the crowd. It was not magic it was a miracle!

Sometimes we get caught up in what we need and we forget the person beside us. All of us have more than we need and sometimes what we have can help others. What we have put together with what others have brings about a miracle. Love needs to be share for its true value to be experienced! 
Daily Prayer: Loving God, teach us today to look beyond ourselves, to see the needs of others and respond to those needs out of the gifts, talents and abilities we have. Help us to bring about a miracle that feeds the many in need of God's love today. Transform us into people alive in your love! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Transform an ordinary run into a sacred run by bringing to the run a sense of God presence in you!

Daily Blessing: Happy Tuesday everyone! I offer my congratulations to all the Florida State fans today and my condolences to all the Auburn fans. As for me it was nice not to be emotionally involved so it did not matter who won or lost!  
To all who are dealing with the extreme cold and must be out and about in it my prayers are with you. Yes, it is very cold and windy here in Pelham but I realize there are many other places around the country dealing with more extreme cold and have been dealing with it much longer. My thoughts on days like today always seem to focus on the people of the streets. Often when I am in Manhattan I see people sleeping in doorways, on sidewalks and where they can get shelter. How do they survive cold like this?

Just a little over a week ago I spent the afternoon and evening in Manhattan, as I was walking along 47th Street on my way to the train I pass a mother and two children. They were begging. At first I just walked by trying to pretend like I didn’t see or hear them, however something, someone told me to stop and go back. I reached into my pocket and gave the woman what I had and said please get something to eat. She smiled and said thanks as did her daughter and son. I walked away feeling good for the moment. However, all the way home on the train I wondered where will they sleep tonight? I wonder today, where did they sleep last night? We have so much to offer as a country, as a nation but why are people hungry? Why don’t people have a warm and safe place to sleep?

There are probably many answers to these questions and some are beyond our control but somewhere along the line we have got to learn to care for people. It is the challenge of our Gospel today and every day!

I pray today for all of us that we will learn to share what we have so that a miracle happens in our life time where no one is hungry and everyone goes to sleep safe and warm. May our loving God bless all of us today with the wisdom, understanding, compassion, and love to be people willing to share the gift of ourselves with everyone we meet. May God’s blessing help us to remember that sharing our gifts can make the impossible – possible!

So in the words of Pope Francis let us be people who - “Instead of imposing new obligations, (Christians) should appear as people who wish to share their joy, who point to a horizon of beauty and who invite others to a delicious banquet.” (Pope Francis)  Blessing to all today – Be well, be safe and be warm! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

PS For more from the Preacher on the Run go to 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 01/06/2014

Daily Thoughts: St. John in the first reading today makes it sound so simple. If we believe we will know what is of God and what is not. Sure when someone speaks against Jesus it is a sure sign that we should not follow in that direction, however there are many voices, many spirits out there that claim to be followers of Jesus yet I am not always sure their way is the way to go.

John reminds us we need to believe in the name of Jesus and love one another, yet often the very people who ask us to believe in the name of Jesus do not seem to love others. What should we think? What should we believe? It doesn't always seem clear cut. Certainly John did not live in this age of mass communication, of social media. The challenge of today is how to believe, how do we test the spirits to see whether they belong to God?

To be honest with you I do not have an answer, for me it is a work in progress. I listen, I digest, I compare and I pray and hope that I make the right choice, the right decision. I pray and hope that I am walking with God. One of my criteria for testing the spirits of today comes from the Gospel today, from the life of Jesus. The criteria that I place on today's spirits is how compassionate are they. Jesus' life was about compassion for others. I test the spirits of today with a sense of how compassionate are they? How caring for others are they? How willing are they to provide hope in a troubled world? How willing are they to unite not divide people? It is not always easy to make the call, to know for sure, but the spirits of today must past the Jesus test, they must be spirits that proclaim the "Good News!"

Have a great Monday everyone and stay warm if you can!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, help us to become images of your light for all, especially those caught in the darkness of injustice and violence. May we always live in your spirit so that we too, like Jesus, might bring compassion, healing and hope to a world caught in the grip of the spirits of fear, hatred, anger, violence and injustice! Amen!

Runner's Thought: As you run look for good in the world that you pass by, look for good in the people you encounter, sense the good in you and know you do not run alone!

Daily Blessing: To all around the world who celebrate the Epiphany today – Happy Epiphany! To all who find strength and draw upon the spirit of Br. André on this the Feast of St. André Bessette, especially religious brothers – Happy Feast Day! To all struggle with the cold weather, the snow, the ice, lack of power and whatever else nature is throwing at you – I pray you will hang in there and make it to better times! To all I pray that you have a blessed and holy day and may you encounter only the Spirit of God in your work, your travels and your living of life! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

PS On Thursday this week I will be giving a Day of Recollection at the Bishop Molloy Passionist Retreat House in Jamaica, New York. The day runs from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm with a Talk, Time for Reconciliation, Lunch and Mass all for only $30 and you get me too! What a deal! If you are interested please contact the Retreat House and make a reservation (718-739-1229) or go to their web site Hope to see you there if you are in the area!