Daily Thoughts: “The Lord
speaks of peace to his people.” This is the response for the Responsorial Psalm
of today mass and it is from this simple phrase that I offer my reflections
this morning.
I have picked two quotes from one of my
favorite writers, thinkers and spiritual guides, Thomas Merton. I pick these
two quotes because of some things I saw on Facebook and Twitter yesterday. It
amazes me how much people hate! It also amazes me how often people only look
for the negative rather than the positive.
We celebrated the Fourth of July
yesterday. We remembered the beginnings of our country and how far we have come
since those first days in July of 1776. Yet I saw a number of post and tweets bemoaning
the status/condition of our country at this point in history. Everything isn’t
going the way they would like it. The wrong people are in power. There are
problems, issues, difficulties and challenges. I get the sense most of these
people spend most of their time listening to 24 hour news stations that they
have anointed as the “be all and end all” of information and truth.
The postings and tweets might not say it
directly but one senses a hate that goes much deeper than politics and
economics. You sense people who want it all, control, power, war and the elimination
of anyone who does not think or see life as they do. You sense people not at
peace with themselves maybe that is why I don’t unfriend or unfollow them.
However when I experience these posting
or tweets it creates a sadness within me. We have come so far as a nation, no
we are not perfect, but we have come so far. Yet, some cannot pause for even a
day and look around at the goodness and blessing that there is. Some cannot envision
a country and a world where everyone is cared for, free and has the opportunity
to live in peace. Some cannot share what we have. Some can only hate!
In the quotes below Merton talks about
two things, not hating people but the hating the things within ourselves that
don’t allow peace to flourish and having a sense of gratitude because that is
what brings about peace and helps us recognize the presence of God in our
Perhaps a few moments of reflection on
the words of Thomas Merton might help us enter into the peace that God speaks
to us today. For those who see only the negative our country is not the way it
is today because the wrong people have been elected down through the years, our
country is the way it is because of the attitudes of hate that rest within us
because we fail to be grateful people!
“Instead of hating the people you think
are war-makers, hate the appetites and disorder in your own soul, which are the
causes of war. If you love peace, then hate injustice, hate tyranny, hate greed
- but hate these things in yourself, not in another.”
“To be grateful is to recognize the Love
of God in everything He has given us - and He has given us everything. Every
breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of existence is a grace, for
it brings with it immense graces from Him.
Gratitude therefore takes nothing for
granted, is never unresponsive, is constantly awakening to new wonder and to
praise of the goodness of God. For the grateful person knows that God is good,
not by hearsay but by experience. And that is what makes all the difference.” (Thomas Merton)
May our living of life as grateful
people today bring us closer to the peace that God speaks to us! Have a great
Saturday everyone and don’t forget to make a joyful noise!
Daily Prayer: Loving God,
bless our beautiful world with its wonderful variety of people, races,
cultures, and languages. May we be a people, of laughter and joy, of justice
and reconciliation, of peace and unity, of compassion, caring and sharing. We
pray this prayer for a true gratitude in the powerful name of Jesus our Lord.
Amen (Adapted from a prayer by Archbishop Desmond Tutu)
A Runner’s Thoughts: Running can be
a time for finding out who we really are, it is time on the road, the sidewalk,
the trial with no one to measure our distance but ourselves. Running can be finding out our true character
as we run lap after lap. It can be not giving up when exhausted and journeying
to the finish. Running can help us to trust in ourselves and know somehow that
God’s grace is enough for us.
Daily Blessing: Saturday
greetings and blessings to all! I hope you had a nice Fourth of July and that
you are settling into a nice weekend. In about an hour I will celebrate the
closing mass of the retreat and soon after begin my journey back east. It have
been a very nice two weeks here in Manitowoc. Please offer one final prayer for
the sisters who have been on retreat this week as they return to their various
ministries. May they be refreshed and renewed and may their preacher travel
safely today and tomorrow!
My prayer of blessing for all of you
today is that God will bless you with the grace of kindness and truth, justice
and peace that will reach far beyond our own journeys of life, out into a world
that is desperately in need of it. May God bless us with the strength to speak
his peace to the world today and always! Let us be people who make a joyful
noise today! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul