Daily Thoughts: I find our
scripture readings rather interesting today (Amos 5: 14-15; 21-24 and
Matthew 8: 28-34) In Amos we are asked to “Seek and not evil.” And we are
also reminded what will happen if we choose not to go down this road, or if we
choose to try and bribe God. The outcome is not good! As our psalm
response reminds us, it is the upright who will see the saving power of God. In
other words if we seek good and not evil, if we are honest in our relationship
with God we will encounter God’s saving power.
Yet as we learn in the Gospel this
saving power of God can be overwhelming, so much so that we might ask God to
leave. Jesus frees the two Gadarenes who have been plagued by demons, yet when
the town hears about this healing they ask Jesus to move on. I guess the saving
power of God was a little too much for them!
Perhaps it can be a little too much for
us at time also because often the saving power of God asks us to change, to
live our life differently. We might say Jesus doesn’t heal and forgive and then
expect life to go on as usual. Jesus’ saving power is life changing for those
who received and for those who see it.
Archbishop Oscar Romero puts it this
way, “Those who want to bear the marks of the Spirit and the fire that baptizes
with must take the risk of renouncing everything and seeking only God’s reign
and justice.” In other words, if we wish to receive and encounter the saving
power of God then we always need to seek good not just for ourselves but for
others. Our focus, our commitment, must be about the love of God and it must be
a lifelong focus and commitment!
Our challenge today and always is to
accept the grace of God in as much as humanly possible and be up to the difficulties,
the struggles, the trials that might arrive. If we put all our efforts into
responding properly to Christ’s presence in our lives life, great things will
happen, the impossible will become possible!
Have a great day everyone and don’t
forget to make a joyful noise with your life today!
Daily Prayer: Eternal and
loving God, it is so easy for us to worship ourselves, to do things so that
others see and think highly of us. If we live our life this way, forgive us. If
we trust in our possessions, in our things, in our actions that are seen and in
the glory that they bring us rather than in you, forgive us. Heal the fear, the
doubt and the insecurity that may create faith in the wrong things. Restore a
wholesome perspective that put you at the center. We pray that through your
grace you will help us to live life around the lasting values of humble prayer,
cheerful service and our hope in you, our loving God. Amen!
A Runner’s Thoughts: Let us run
today with a spirit of gratefulness. Before we begin our run, let us declare
our intention to look upon all we encounter with the freshness of the
unexpected. Let us run with a sense of miraculous expectation and allow a
feeling of gratitude for the extraordinary and the ordinary to flow through our
being. (Adapted from Roger Joslin – Running The Spiritual Path)
Daily Blessing: Who could be
happier than a camel on Wednesday? Yes friends, it is Hump Day! And hopefully we are at least as happy as a
camel today. Here in Manitowoc the day has started out cloudy and rainy but I
live in the hope that the sun will return at some point. I hope wherever you
are the day has started off well, if not I truly pray that it will get better
and that you will come to enjoy the gift of this day, because your presence
makes this day a gift!
In my ministry of prayer I pray for God’s
blessings upon your journey through this day. May this day be rich in
experience, in people, in smiles, in laughter, in fun, in love, in strength and
in God’s grace and peace. Remember seek good and avoid evil and the saving
power of God will be with you! Peace in
Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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