Daily Thoughts: In reading the scripture for today two thoughts came to mind. First I have always like the section for Isaiah which is the first reading today. I carry the hopefulness that one day swords, guns, bombs and all other means of violence will be beaten into plowshares, micro chips, ovens, stoves, refrigerators, anything useful and life giving. I hope for the day when we will not train younger women and men for war ever again and that every nation will live in peace! Yes, I know this might be an impossible hope, but I still hope. Perhaps for me Emily Dickinson puts it best... "Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings
the tune--without the words, and never stops at all!" May hope never stop for any of us...
My second thought centers on the Gospel for today. It is a familiar story in Matthew's Gospel of the centurion who asks Jesus to heal a servant. Did you ever realize when reading the Gospels that most of the people who have faith and not part of the community but outsiders. This centurion had great faith, a faith that ultimately brings healing to his servant. This Gospel story and others like it should remind us that God's presence, God's healing, God's grace, God's work can come from anywhere and from anyone. Dismissing people for any reason is not a good practice because by dismissing them we may just be dismissing God and an opportunity to be healed!
Daily Prayer: O God of all who wait, grace us today with your gift of peace and help us to see, to find, to recognize your gift in ourselves and in all we meet. Grace us with your gift of faith that we might bring healing to each moment of life. Grace us with your hope that we might find you in each person and every moment of life even though we are unworthy to have you enter under our roof! Grace us with your joy in life this day and always! Amen!
Runner's Thought: God does not wait at the finish line, God is constantly with us in all things and all people. As we run, as we live, our task is simply to recognize that fact and hold it with us!
Note: Today is the feast of St. Francis Xavier, a Jesuit priest and missionary, but for me it brings to mind a very good friend, Fr. Xavier Vitacolonna, C.P. who died just about a month ago. Fr. Xavier's given name was Francis, his religious name was Xavier. He was a brother, priest and missionary. I include him in my prayer today and a member of the communion of saints! Help us to bring peace Fr. Xav!
Have a great Monday friends, may God be with you as your enter this new work week. May you be blessed in all your endeavors this week! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
PS My parish mission opens today at 12 noon and again at 7:30 pm at Holy Name of Mary Parish in Croton on Hudson, NY if you are in the area joins us, if not please say a prayer for the preacher and all who will join me.
If you get a chance to comment I would appreciate it. I would just like to know what you are thinking about Daily Thoughts, Daily Prayers, Runners Thoughts or any suggestions about adding to this ministry!
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