Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday's Daily Thoughts - 11/19/2012

Daily Thought: I have two thoughts about the scripture today, one is my own the other I am going to steal from brother Passionist who gave a reflection at our community mass this morning. Both thoughts I think have a similar focus...

Now I am not a big fan of the Book of Revelation. I have always found it a tough read and an even tougher preach! Yet, early this morning a line in today's reading struck me, "Yet, I hold this against you: you have lost the love you had at first." The Lord has just praised the Church of Ephesus for a number of good things it has done however, the Lord is upset because the community has lost its initial fervor, its first love!

I think this struck me because I always remember some advise given me just after I was ordained by a wonderful older Passionist who was in the last years of his life. One day shortly have I was ordained he appeared at the door of my room and said, "Son, I don't have a lot to offer you these days but I will give you a bit of advise, always celebrate mass as if it is your first and your last!" I have always remembered this and certainly every time I have celebrated mass I have tried to celebrate as if it is my first and last mass. Yet, I know sometimes I don't have the initial energy, that first love that I had the day of my first mass. I don't have that sense of urgency that I would have if it were my last mass. Whether it is the powerful images of the Book of Revelation or a saintly Passionist wisdom figure the message is the same from God, "stay in love with me and live out of that love!"

At our community mass this morning one of my brother Passionist reflected on today's Gospel and he challenged us with the point that sometimes we would prefer not to see. The blind man in the Gospel wants to see but sometimes we find it easier not to see, it means less responsibility, less hurt or pain, less expectations on us. If I look into my own life I would have to say his observation is true. I think there have been times when I really didn't want to see, it was easier not to!

If we can find and enliven that first love for God, others and ourselves then we will always want to see! Or perhaps if we ask God in faith to see then our first love will once again come to life! May this day be one of seeing and rich in energy grounded in love!

Daily Prayer: God of Great Mystery, Giver of all good gifts, enlive our hearts with that first love of you, so that we might see all that is good in our world, in one another and in ourselves. Deepen our sense of reverenece for you and for all of life. Nurture in us what is good and grace us in your ever loving care this day and always! Amen!

Runner's Thought: "Run to glory, or at least to the end of the block!" or "Would we be doing any of this if Pheidippides had been in just a little better shape?" - Bob Schwartz

Have a wonderful day and many blessings to see and love today and always! Peace in Christ's Passion, Fr. Paul

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