Thursday, December 20, 2012

Advent Week III - Thursday Thoughts - 12/20/2012

Daily Thoughts: A scripture scholar once told me that if you look at the moments when God comes to women and men in our faith story you will always see two different response. When God comes to men there is always a discussion, disagreement, agrument, protest and sometimes the person even tries to run away or in the case of Ahaz today, refuses God's invitation. When God comes to women, there is a pause to think, maybe a question or two, like Mary today, and then they embrace God's request.

Perhaps the images of women and men in the stories of Scripture reflect the human responses to God in our life. Sometimes people think they know better than God. Sometimes people have decided how things should be. Sometimes people just don't want God directing or in their life. Yet, there are people who are all in when invited by God, no questions asked.

The struggle of the human condition is to have trust and faith in God. We can be so affected by the world around us that God's invitation seem to become a risk not worth taking. Yet, time and time again in our faith story people especially women take the risk and life in never the same again. Now it did not mean that it was easy or that it did not demand sacrifice or that everything went smoothly or that everyone followed. It did mean that God was always with them and that is what made all the difference.

Our prayer, reflection and challenge today might be to ask Mary, Elizabeth, Samson mother and all the others who said yes to help us respond to God's invitation today without question, without argument, with out fear so that we too can keep the story of God's love alive in the world!

Daily Prayer: O God of Eternal Love, fill our hearts with the light of your Holy Spirit so that we might not be afraid of your word, your invitation to live. Give us the humility to hold fast to your will and thus allow Christ to be born with in us today and everyday.  We also continue to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! For we believe nothing is impossible for You our loving God! Amen!

Runner's Thought: As we run today let us think of the impossible made possible through hard work, dedication and the pray that we allow our runs to become.

Thursday blessing to all today. I hope your Christmas busyness is done so that you will be able to enjoy the days ahead! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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