In the Gospels when Jesus talks about wealth it is never to condemn the person just because they have wealth it is always about what we do with it. Do we hoard it? Do we only care for ourselves? Or do we see the world and the needs of the world? Do we let our wealth work for the betterment of others? Do we help those in need with our wealth? This not only pertains to money and possessions, it is also about the gifts and talents that we have that can not only help us but others. Once again like the last few days this is about service, it is about being humble because all that we have comes from God and needs to be shared!
In the first reading from Jeremiah we are reminded that one of the important values of our life is trust, specifically trust in God. This value can help with the above challenge of service. If we trust in God, if we make God part of our life then our riches, our gifts, our talents, our resources are much easier to share, because we know that God is with us.
Once again our challenge is to think outside the box. Conventional wise says store up treasures for ourselves, make sure our life is comfortable, eat, drink, rest, be merry. But as people of faith God demands our lives. We are to be disciples, we are to be servants, we are to make what we have work for the good of others. We are to be people whose trust and hope is in God. We are to be rich in what matters to God. Remember "the Lord, alone probes the mind and tests the heart, and rewards everyone according to her or his ways, according to the merits of her or his deeds." Let us be people who trust and hope in God. Let us be people rich in the presence of God!
Daily Lenten Prayer: Loving God, direct our hearts this day to be your servants in all we do. Enliven us with the fire of your Spirit of Love. Grace us with a steadfast faith, a spirited hope so that all we do will be effective in helping ourselves and others experience your loving presence. You are the Heart of Love and we want to place all our trust in you. We know that we are not perfect, we struggle with our weaknesses but we place our hope in you to bring about the richness of life this day from your goodness. Amen!
Runner's Thought: Run without fear today, breathe, run and permit the spirit of God's loving presence to be in each stride you take!
Happy end of February everyone! This last day of February is a significant day. The Pope will begin a new ministry of prayer and solitude. It is an experience that we in our life time have never encountered, but that does not mean it is bad or wrong, it is just different and new. It is part of our ever changing world and life. I truly wish Pope Benedict well and I will continue to pray for and with him!
Today also leads us into March and a little closer to the beauty and warmth of spring. I cannot wait but I will have to! I pray that everyone will have a peaceful Thursday without too many struggles or problems. As for me I will be traveling today. I will head to the airport here in Bismarck about 9:00 am and begin my trek east through Denver. I will be getting back to home sweet home late this evening. It has been a wonderful time here in Bismarck. Such a spirit filled community and our closing mass last night was a gift! Now it is home for a day and a half and then on to Bethesda, MD and St, Bartholomew Parish. Blessings upon everyone today, have a great day and enjoy the last day of February! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
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