Daily Thoughts: While the section of the Book of Leviticus which is our first reading today seems to be a list of what to do and not do I think more importantly it is a reminder of how to be a Christian, a Catholic. These commands that Moses offers the people today are all about being a compassionate and loving person. Yes, they say what to do and not do, mostly what not to do, but if we think about not doing things like stealing, lying, swearing falsely, using profanity, making fun of people with disabilities, not acting dishonestly, not gossiping, not living with hate we can begin to see a life enriched by the presence of God. We can begin to see a life were we love our neighbor rather than hate our neighbor.
The advancement in technology and social media is a wonderful thing. It gives us information in an instant. It makes it possible to communicate across vast miles in a second. It brings people and experiences into our homes at the instants they happen. But it also enables us to be very non-Christian without even thinking about it. We can slander, berate, gossip, hurt and even hate others without even leaving our homes. It is like playing a video game and yet our words, our thoughts put down on Facebook, Twitter and all the others can sometimes be profoundly hurtful and un-Christian.
The first reading reminds us today that whether we are standing in front of a person or thousands of miles away we still have a responsibility to be a person of faith, a person of God and that means being loving not hateful and destructive.
Jesus continues this theme in the Gospel with the very famous phrase, "whatever you did to one of the least brothers [sisters] of mine, you did to me." Our words and actions whether in the midst of people or over the internet have consequences. If we are kind, loving and compassionate to whomever we encounter, where ever we encounter them we will be welcome in the Kingdom!
Daily Prayer: Help us O God, to be the person you have created us to be today. Help us to think before we speak especially when our words are directed towards others. Help us to think before we write especially when we are writing about others. Help us to act, respond and live as a person committed to compassion, life and love. Make us aware of your presence in all we meet, make us aware of your presence in ourselves. Fill us with words and actions today that bring about your Spirit and life! Amen!
Runner's Thought: Remember God does not wait at home or at the finish line, God is constantly with us in all things and all people. As we run, as we live, our task is simply to recognize that fact and hold it with us and run with God!
Happy Presidents Day everyone! I hope you are off today enjoying a well-deserved rest from a normal Monday, if not I hope the day will be kind to you! We begin our mission here at the Church of the Assumption in Peekskill in about 45 minutes. I am looking forward to these three days and evenings even though the wind is howling and it is cold. I think the gathering of the faith community this morning and tonight will bring warmth to my day! Prayers and blessings for all of you today where ever you are and for whatever you are doing. May today be peaceful and full of many good experiences. If not hang in there, there is always tomorrow! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
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