Sunday Thoughts: Sorry to anyone who was looking for my daily thoughts yesterday, I was traveling and by the time I got home I was tired and decided to take the day off. It was a long week and a very good week but I needed a little down time. I am back today refreshed and ready to go!
I have always liked the scene in today's Gospel on a number of levels. It has many things to tell us. Perhaps the most moving part of this scene is the moment Peter realizes the presence of God in his life, he is so overwhelmed he just wants Jesus to leave; he doesn't feel he deserves to be there. "Depart from me, Lord, I am a sinful man." I don't know how many times I have whispered the same thing in my life. Overwhelmed by the grace of God, yet knowing I am a sinful person who doesn't deserve God gift at that moment.
However, thankfully Jesus did not give up on Peter and doesn't give up on us! Rather than letting Peter drowned in self-pity, self-hate which then might have turned into anger towards self and others. Jesus begins the process of bringing Peter to self-acceptance through the focus of putting others first. Self-acceptance, self-fulfillment is not something we give ourselves; we find it when we give ourselves in healthy ways to others.
Since joining social media like Twitter and Facebook I have been struck by all the wonderful things people do for one another. But I have also been struck by the amount of anger, self-righteousness, judgmentalness and negativity that is expressed. The attacks on other people are frightening at times to think that we do not respect others, that we hate others and that we fear others so much.
We can all utter the words of Peter because of our own lives. We are all sinful; it is part of our human condition. However, the most important thing is what do we do after we utter those words, "Depart, from me for I am a sinful [person]." Do we get overwhelmed by self-pity, self-hate and take it out on ourselves or others or do we let Jesus lead us to new and deeper waters, as my Passionist brother, said today at mass? Do we let Jesus overwhelms us with an abundant catch that brings us from self-pity to redemption? Do we let Jesus show us the face of God in other and ourselves?
Yes, we are sinful all of us, but God is always ready to astonish us, embrace us and hold us in the gift of hope, and help us to let go of the fear and let God!
Sunday Prayer: O God, be in our moments of rest today and give us what we need so that as this day takes its course and we encounter moments of stress, strain. struggle and effort we might also find your peace. And when evening comes and we look back over this day and we see how fragmentary everything seems to be, and how our plans have not fully been accomplished and like Peter, we feel embarrassed and ashamed. Help us to take everything exactly as it is, putting everything in your hands and leaving our life with you. Then in your peace may we find rest, real rest in you and rise refreshed to begin our next day of new life in you. Ready for the deep water and whatever abundant catches you send our way! Amen!
Runner's Thought: Remember, yes, running can be an escape from the stresses, the struggles, the problems, the fears of life but it can also be a time when God reaches out to us in a unique way and leads us into the deep water.
I hope everyone is having a restful and peaceful Sunday. If you are digging out from the blizzard in the Northeast may it not be too difficult of a task. If you are enjoying the peacefulness of the day may that continue for you. If you are busy about getting ready for a new work week, may you find some time to rest and just enjoy the day. If you are struggling today in some way may you find at least a moment of peace! Blessings to all today, may the gift of hope rest in your heart as you begin this new week. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
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