did not fight Saul’s attack on his Church with vengeance, with force, with
power, with war. God did not seek to destroy Saul. God did not seek to judge
Saul. No God dealt with Saul’s attack through truth, compassion, love and with
an invitation to be part of the community. Somehow with words of kindness, with
words of compassion, with words and gestures of love God turned Saul’s heart
and created someone new Paul.
as we encounter our world and all its problems we think we must fight, we think
that we must eliminate our enemies. We think that making fun of them, that
degrading them with our words, that attacking them with half-truths, cartoons
and witty jokes we will overcome them. We think that pointing to their faults
and failings, that being hurtful we are doing God’s will and that we will win
the battle and the war.
God has always showed us that power, vengeance and war never works. These are
not the solutions to our problems or the avenues to peace. In Saul’s case God
invited him to become part of the community. God invited Saul to see God in his
life in a different way. God invited Saul to choose life not death. God invited
Saul to a change of heart. God invited Saul to be a man of hope and love. God
turn Saul’s energy of violence and hate into an energy of love, compassion,
hope and peace.
we truly want our world, our culture, our society to change then perhaps rather
than waging war, rather than fearing those we see as enemies, rather than
attacking, rather than dismissing or making fun of those we don’t like, we
should invite them into the conversation. We should extend the hand of
friendship. We should invite them to be part of the community. We should show
them the value of faith, hope and love. We should help them to see the light of
Prayer: O
God, the Eternal Runner, bless us this day with a faith that can move mole
hills and mountains, that has an unseen healing touch, that lives everyday
stories, celebrates simple suppers and helps us carry the crosses of life so
that they turn into hope filled resurrections. Help us to see the goodness in
ourselves and others. Grace us with your loving presence and enliven us with
hope so that we can share your presence with everyone we meet. Keep us ever
mindful today of those who lost their lives in Boston, those who mourn the loss
of loved ones and friends and those who were hurt, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Help us to live this day alive in faith, hope and love for them and for all who
struggle, for all who carry crosses, for all who seek peace! Amen!
Thought: Once
again let us dedicate our run today to all in Boston. Let us run today Boston
Strong! Let us run with God, the Eternal Runner, beside us and within us. If we
can’t run, let us walk Boston Strong, with God the Eternal Walker, beside us
and within us. If we can’t walk let us
remember Boston Strong . Whatever we can do today let us do it as a prayer so
that one day we will all live in a world at peace!
on this Wednesday, this “Hump Day” everyone! I hope and pray you are having a
good day. My prayers and thoughts remain with the people of Boston. Here is
Mount Holly, NJ we are bringing the mission here at Sacred Heart Parish to an
end this evening. Each day has been spirit filled and the prayers of this faith
community here are rich in faith and hope filled.
pray for blessings upon all of you today were ever you are, upon whatever you
are doing and upon whomever you meet. May all of you be gifted with a blessed,
holy and faith filled day rich in the presence and grace of God! Peace in
Christ’s Passion and Hope in the Risen Christ…Fr. Paul
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