Actually, who are we NOT to be? We are
children of God. Our playing small doesn’t save the world. There’s nothing
enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around us.
We were born to make visible the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just
in some of us, it is all of us!
And as we let our own light shine we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our fears, our presence automatically liberates others.
So let us not allow our salt, our flavor,
to become insipid. Today let us live as the person that God has created us to
be rich in the gifts of faith, hope and love, rich is all that matters to God.
(Adapted from an Unknown Writer)
Daily Prayer: Loving God, in
you is found the fullness of life and unconditional forgiveness and love. We
place ourselves in your hands each day, asking that you make holy all that we
are, all that we have, and all that we offer you. Keep us firm in our faith and
strong in your service. Create in us a new heart, that we might find a peace that
always welcomes us home. Amen!
Runner’s Thought: Not every run
need to be a search for life’s deeper meanings. Sometimes when we run we need
to just “cruise!” Approach your next run with openness to the moment. Try to
run unencumbered by the stress and strains of life. Look for the unexpected,
look for the expected in a different way. Just cruise with God at your side!
Thursday greetings to everyone! I have
been a bit busy the last few days and it is nice to have a chance to sit down
and share a few thoughts with you today.
The sun is shining for the moment here
in Pelham but we have been warned that storms are a possibility today and
tomorrow. My thoughts and prayers remain with the people of Oklahoma, for they
truly know what storms are about. It was nice that the death toll went down but
certainly not comforting to those who lost loved ones! I pray for peace in
their journey back to a normalcy of life!
I also keep all of you in my prayers
today as I do every day. I am hoping your Thursday has started off well and
will continue to be a good day. Blessings upon your work, your relationships
and most importantly upon you today! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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