Monday, June 10, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 06/10/2013

Daily Thought: I have a couple of thoughts about the Gospel today (Matthew 5: 1-12). The Beatitudes are one of my favorite Gospels but also one of the most challenging Gospels for me. Often times after hearing it proclaimed I am energized yet also humbled. I am ready to encounter the world yet I am also ready to head to the confessional. I want to be a true disciple yet I know I am far from it!

Fr. James Martin, S.J. tweeted today, “Gospel: What does it mean to be poor in spirit?” I must admit I have always struggle with an understanding of this first beatitude. Fr. Martin’s answer, “Poor in Spirit” is to know one’s reliance on God, to understand one’s dependence on God and to grasp one’s humanity. I guess we might say that to be “poor in spirit” is to let go and let God.

The other challenge of the beatitudes is that to live fully any one of the beatitudes, you will almost automatically begin to live them all. Perhaps to put it another way, “You can’t live just one!” In order to be a peacemaker we need to also be meek, merciful, clean of heart, righteous and poor in spirit. In order to be merciful we need to be clean of heart, meek, poor in spirit, righteous and a peacemaker. They go hand in hand.

However living the beatitudes is not easy because they will all make us vulnerable to insult, persecution and the evils of our world. They all open us up to insecurities of the world which can be troubling, harsh, insensitive and hurtful. In other words living the beatitudes can open us up to be stepped on, hurt and not valued as a person. Living the beatitudes almost always put us in tension with the ways of culture, society and the world.

Yet, in the midst of all that Jesus tells us to rejoice and be glad. The challenge of the beatitudes has been going on since the beginning of time. Women and men before us have faced the challenge and their prize, the Kingdom, await us. Perhaps all the beatitudes can really be proclaim and lived in the phrase, “Let go and let God!”

Daily Prayer:
Loving God, we pray today to be one of the “poor in spirit” so we ask that you:

Liberate us from our desires to be wealthy, and our belief that ‘a little bit more’ will make us happy!

Liberate us from our daydreams of self-sufficiency, in which we see ourselves as makers of our own life, controllers of our own destiny, advancers of our own cause, and the only recipient of credit for our accomplishments.

Liberate us from our attempts to buy a sense of worthiness, by our eye-catching good deeds and public acts of service.

Show us a better way – to be your “poor in spirit” so that we might come before you with open hands and open hearts.

Show us the deep connection we between our sisters and our brothers, and the way in which you created us to live in loving trust of each other.

Show us how to be compassionate, merciful, meek, clean of heart and peacemakers. That we might bring these gifts to everyone we meet.

Show us how to hunger and thrust for justice that we might truly be people of life.

Show us the fullness of your kingdom, in which you call us to participate – here and now – not by our own perfection, but by the grace you offer us through Jesus Christ.

Grace us with the strength to look beyond the insults, the negativity, the hurts and the ridicule to the gift of our love that travels with us never letting us face the perils of this way alone. Amen!

Runner’s Thought: Mother Teresa saw Christ in the face of everyone she met, it is possible to conduct a run that models her behavior. So as we run, let’s place a smile on our face and thus offer a blessing to everyone we meet on our run today!

Happy Monday everyone! I trust you had an enjoyable weekend. The weather at least in this neck of the woods was beautiful. The only negative was a sore foot that kept me from running over the weekend. If your weekend didn’t go so well let’s pray that as we begin this new week things will get better!

We seem to be racing through June at least that is the way it feels to me. Sometimes I would just like to slow time down so I can full enjoy the moment. But onward we journey so I guess it is up to me to stop and smell the flowers every once in a while.

Have a great day and please know my prayers go with you. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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