Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 07/17/2013

Daily Thoughts: Well friends the next ten days I will be coming to you from Scranton, Pa where I am helping with the St. Ann’s Solemn Novena. I was privileged today to begin the novena by celebrating the opening mass at 8:00 am. I am not preaching the novena but I preached at the mass and what follows are a few of the thoughts I shared with the faithful that gathered with us today.

I was struck by the first reading this morning (Exodus 3:1-6, 9-12). It is the story of the burning bush. What a fitting story to start the novena with. Moses encounters God and as he approaches God, God tells him that he is standing on holy ground. I thought of all the people who were in the church and out of the lawn, they had come to begin the novena, a novena that has been going on for 89 years. They like Moses had come to holy ground. Ground made holy by God’s presence.

What had they come to do on this holy ground? Well the Responsorial Psalm for mass today (Psalm 103) tells us, they came to “Bless the Lord!” They came to bless the Lord with all of their very selves. Why did they come to this holy ground to bless the Lord? Because God is merciful, compassionate, forgiving and loving. Because God offers healing and makes his ways know if we take the time to listen.

What will these people encounter because they have come to this holy ground, with the purpose of praising God with all their soul? They will encounter, they will come to know, the Father and the Son as Jesus tells us in the Gospel (Matt 11:25-27). They will come to know the loving, healing and forgiving presence of God.

These readings are not only for people in the midst of Central Pennsylvania who are beginning a journey of novena. This message is for all of us. We all stand like Moses on holy ground each day. Ground made holy by those we love. Ground made holy by people we meet. Ground made holy by us. Because we stand on holy ground we get the chance to encounter God. We get the chance to be healed, to be forgiven and to be loved. So as you journey through your day remember that where you stand is holy ground if you take the opportunity to let God speak to you, if you take the time to let God be part of your life!

Daily Prayer:  Loving God, create in us an ever-growing faith, with hearts open and centered in you. Awaken within us the fire of your Spirit, so that your love may fill us more fully, and flow throughout our lives.  

Increase within us a desire to reach out, to invite and to share, to welcome and accept. Awaken the faith of all your people, especially those who have grown distant from you, those ready to hear an invitation to the love you alone can bring.  

Awaken us, loving God, to see the fullness of your grace and peace. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Awakening Faith is a ministry of Paulist Evangelization Ministries)

Runner’s Thought: Mother Teresa saw Christ in the face of everyone she met, it is possible to conduct a run that models her behavior. So as we run, let’s place a smile on our face and thus offer a blessing to everyone we meet on our run today!

Happy Wednesday everyone! I trust were ever you are you are staying cool for the most part. They are saying at least here in Central Pennsylvania that things are going to change by Saturday with temps in the high 70’s and lows in the high 50’s. I will take that!

We are off to a good start here at the St. Ann’s Novena in Scranton, Pa. For those of you who don’t know what a novena is, it is ten days of prayer usually taking place to honor a saint of the Catholic Church. This novena is in honor of St. Ann the mother of Mar, our Blessed Mother. There are nine days of prayer before the feast day of the saint then the tenth day is the feast day. Thus we began today and we will end with the feast of St. Ann and St. Joachim on July 26th. Now you might ask why would we have a novena to St. Ann and why do we leave out St. Joachim, her husband, until the feast day? Well that would be a very good question and my answer would be too long to put in these lines. Let’s just say that there is a long tradition of praying to God through the intercession of St. Ann here in Central Pennsylvania which dates back to the days of the coal mines.

As I said yesterday you are in my prayers in a special way during these ten days and if you have any special intentions please let me know. I have already received a few I am keeping Theresa in my prayers who is struggling with chronic back pain and Caleb a young baby who just had a heart transplant last night. He has got a long road ahead of him. Your prayers, needs, struggles and challenges are mine these days so let me know how my prayers might be of help!

Have a great day everyone! Stay cool and may this day be one of many blessings for you and those who are important in your life! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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