Daily Thoughts: In today’s
Gospel parable (Luke 11: 15-26) Satan is the strong man who guards his palace.
His possessions are hatred, greed, and injustice. Through them he controls the
world. By ourselves, we are helpless against his power. But this parable is one
of hope. It proclaims the gospel message. There is one stronger than Satan who
attacks and overcomes him. The stronger one is Christ, who by his resurrection
has defeated the power of evil. We are called to live each day in the faith of
Christ’s triumph, and help our Savior distribute the spoils of victory. (From Living With Christ – October 11,
Daily Prayer: Loving God, give
us today day the wisdom to see which things are important, and which things are
not. Show us how best to use the time and talents you have given us. Help us to
use all our opportunities wisely, that we may share, through service to others,
the good gifts we have received from you. Amen.
Runner’s Thoughts: “As every
runner knows, running is about more than just putting one foot in front of the
other; it is about our lifestyle and who we are.” (Joan Benoit Samuelson) The
same can be true when we talk about faith. Faith is more than just reciting
prayers or going to mass every Sunday, though like putting one foot in front of
the other when we run, these rituals are important. Faith is really about how
we live our life. Faith is like taking a breath. We need to breathe when we run
and when we do anything else. It is the same with faith. A person of faith
allies her or his faith to every aspect of life. Faith is about who we are. So
today and every day let us be runners but also let us be people of faith!
Daily Blessing: Happy Friday
everyone! I hope your day has started out well and that you are looking forward
to a good day and a relaxing weekend. As for me I will be leaving later today
for Scranton, PA where I will run the Streamtown Marathon on Sunday. It will be
the second of three marathons in this five week period. I know what you are
thinking, “He is crazy!” and yes, I am! There I said it. But as Dr. Seuss says, “Today you are You,
that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” I am me crazy or not!
My prayer of blessing for all of you
today comes for the words of another Paul, a much great Paul than me – Today I
say to all of you as you live this day: rejoice! Let me say it again: rejoice!
As you live today let your kindness should be known to all. Have faith God is
always near. Live today with no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer
and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the
peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds
in Christ Jesus.
Finally, my friends in the Passion,
whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if
there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing
what you have learned and received and heard and seen in the people of faith around
you. If you do this then the God of peace will be with you today and always. (Adapted from the words of St. Paul to
the Philippians)
Blessings to all! Have a great weekend!
Keep me in your prayers on Sunday as I will you during my run! Peace in Christ
Passion…Fr. Paul
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