Perhaps in another way that is what
Jesus is telling his disciples and us in today’s Gospel (Luke 12: 8-12). We are
in this together with God and having a relationship, a friendship with God
demands respect and trust. Nothing is impossible for God and God is always with
us. So Fr. De Chardin says, we need to live life as if there are no limits to
our ability and trust that God will help us do the rest!
Have a great Saturday everyone!
Daily Prayer: Loving God help us to someday,
after we get done trying to master the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity,
to harness for you the energies of love, and then perhaps, for a second time in
the history of the world, we will have discovered fire and our lives will once
again be changed for the better and we will come to know that you are not far
from us. You are at the point of our pens, our fingers as we type on our keyboards,
our paint brushes, our sewing needles, screw drivers, - and in our hearts and thoughts. We thank you
today for this gift of yourself and we ask the grace to use it wisely. Amen!
from the words of Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)
Runner’s Thoughts: Some might say that the
real purpose of running isn’t to win a race. It’s to test the limits of the
human heart and I would agree with that but I would also say that another
purpose for running is to connect with God through nature, through breath,
through the beating of our heart, through the focus of our attention and through
Daily Blessing: Happy Saturday
everyone! Wherever you are, whomever you are with and whatever you are doing
today may you, your endeavors, your companions, and your living of life be
blessed with the richness, grace and love of God’s presence! Have a great day
everyone. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
To my niece and nephew returning home from Italy, have a safe journey and
welcome home! To my niece and nephew in Vegas, enjoy and be safe!
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