However in today’s Gospel (Luke 12:
35-38) the relationship between master and servant between God and us is turned
upside down. God does the waiting on us today and this profound reversal of
roles is the very spirit of the Gospel message. It is the very spirit of what
Pope Francis has challenged his cardinals, bishops and priest to be as
ministers, the very essence of what he has challenged us to be as Christians.
If we look at our relationship with God
we come to know that God not only loves us and cares for us but in the person
of Jesus God has taken on our human nature in order to redeem us. Many of those
who listened to Jesus’ preaching probably found his image of God as one who
serves difficult if not impossible to accept. Masters of that time or anytime for
that matter just are not seen or experienced as people who are willing to serve.
Yet, for Jesus that is exactly what God has done in sending in own Son into the
To continue this gift we are asked to be
servers of God’s grace to the world. A question for today might be how do we
make God present known through service to others?
Have a great Tuesday everyone!
Daily Prayer:
Loving God, Creator of all that is good;
we live in the sure and certain hope that your mercy knows no bounds and so today
with every creature we pause to give you praise. You have given us an inner law
by which we are to live and to do your will is our commission. To follow your ways is to know peace of heart
and so to you once again we offer our service. Guide us on all the paths we
travel this day and always. Free us from all the evil tendencies which lead our
hearts away from you. Never let us to stray from you. Grace us with the
strength to live our life making present your love so that we will be among
your chosen ones on the last day. O God,
Author of peace and justice, give us true joy and authentic love, and a lasting
peace. Bless us your everlasting gifts.
Amen. (Adapted from a prayer by Blessed John Paul II)
Runner’s Thoughts: “Struggling and
suffering are the essence of a life worth living. If you're not pushing
yourself beyond the comfort zone, if you're not demanding more from yourself -
expanding and learning as you go - you're choosing a numb existence. You're
denying yourself an extraordinary trip.” (Dean Karnazes) And you are not having
the fullest experience of God that you can have, so don’t run away from struggles
or suffering in running or in life, embrace them with the help and grace of God!
Daily Blessing: Happy Tuesday
everyone! I hope everyone is well and if you are in the east you know that we
are beginning to transition from Indian Summer to true Autumn weather. The
leaves probably will be turning soon here in Pelham. I know they have begun to
elsewhere, so make sure you take a little time and look at God’s beauty!
Wherever you are today, whomever you are
with and whatever you are doing I prayer that you will be blessed with the
grace, love and presence of God. Enjoy your day, think positive thoughts, wear
a smile and trust that God walks, runs, works, plays and journeys with you!
Blessings to all. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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