Daily Thoughts: We encounter the famous story of Zacchaeus in today's Gospel (Luke 19:1-10). Zacchaeus had to liabilities, one he was short and the other was that he was a tax collector.
Now he could not do anything about his shortness, that was with him to stay. Being a tax collector seemed to be his choice. We do not know how he got the job or why he wanted it but it put him in a bad light with many people and the religious leadership. He was seen as a sinner, someone who sold out to the Romans and someone who was cheating his own people just to get ahead in life.
However there was something honest and interesting about Zacchaeus. When he heard that Jesus was in town, he wanted to see him, catch a glimpse. So as the story goes he climbed a tree and we might say the rest was history. Jesus saw him and invited him down for a closer look.
We find out through the conversation between Jesus and Zacchaeus that Zacchaeus is trying to be an honest man and he is willing to go the extra mile if he has hurt or harmed anyone by his position and he is rewarded for his honesty and good heart as Jesus comes to his house.
Zacchaeus was able to take his shortcomings, his liabilities and turn them into strengths. He was able to make a positive situation out of what seemed to be a negative. All he need to do was seek out God in his life.
With this story Jesus once again reminds us that good things, faithful things can come from unexpected situations and people. Like Zacchaeus we need to be on the lookout for the presence of God in our life and be bold when our chance comes to encounter that presence!
Have a great day everyone!
Daily Prayer: "The Cross of My Lord, Be my Standard, Be my Comfort, Be the Answer to all dark questions, The Light of all nights, The Sign that You have chosen us, The mysterious and sure Sign that we are Yours for eternity. Amen." (By Fr. Karl Rahner, S.J.)
Runner's Thoughts: At first an ordeal and then an accomplishment, the daily run becomes a staple, like bread, or wine... or air. (Benjamin Cheever, author and Runner's World contributor) We might also say that the daily run also becomes our prayer, our conversation with God each day!
Daily Blessing: Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope this finds you well and enjoying the gift of a new day. If not, if things are a little rushed, disorganized and you feel like you have gotten off on the wrong foot, hang in there, you are in my prayers and I will take your struggles with me into this second day of mission with the hope that all will be well by the end of the day!
Yes, I am into the second day of the mission here in Jacksonville and Holy Family Parish. It was a great first day and I am looking forward to this second day. There is a good spirit and I hope to build on that today. Please keep the faith community here in your prayers and if you get a chance say a prayer or two for the preacher!
So let's go forward into this new day whether it has started off well or not by asking for God's blessing on all that we will do and upon all we meet but also let's God's blessing upon us that like Zacchaeus we will not miss the gift of God in our life today!
Loving God, bless our families, our friends and all your faithful people so that we, like Zacchaeus, will always try to live your truth; express your love by our lives; share your passion by our enthusiasm; take action with your grace; walk by faith; dance and sing to the gift of your spirit and embrace your unimaginable blessings. Help us make today worth remembering because we know that you created us out of love. God's blessings on your day everyone! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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