Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 12/10/2013

Daily Thought: Years ago, I ran across a quote by the English theologian, Austin Farrer. I often use it for my own personal prayer. “God forgives me, for he takes my head between his hands and turns my face to his to make me smile at him. And though I struggle and hurt those hands – for they are human, though divine, human and scarred with nails – though I hurt them, they do not let go until he has smiled me into smiling; and that is the forgiveness of God.”

Perhaps these words by Austin Farrer can be useful for our reflection today. In the readings today from Isaiah (Isaiah 40: 1-11) and Matthew (Matthew 18: 12-14) we hear about the compassion and love of God. The prophet Isaiah and the evangelist Matthew embrace the image of a shepherd in telling their story of God. Isaiah’s shepherd is feeding, holding and caring for his sheep. Matthew’s shepherd is tirelessly searching for that one lost sheep.  Both images communicate the unrelenting and timeless care and concern of a God for his people. The Good News which Isaiah and Matthew impart on us today is that God is always loving, caring and forgiving.

The image that Austin Farrer paints engages us in a personal way to encounter God’s care, love and forgiveness. We are asked to feel Jesus holding us, holding us so tenderly and lovingly that in the end we have to smile. At first it is an uncomfortable smile as we think about how often we have hurt, disappointed or turned away from him. However, in his shepherding hands all is well, all is forgiven and all are loved.

Daily Prayer: Gentle and loving Shepherd, we place before you today our worries, our hurts, our struggles, our fears and our faults and failings. Comfort us with the hope that you never give up and you will never let us to face life alone. Amen!

Runner's Thoughts: “Believe that you can run farther or faster. Believe that you're young enough, old enough, strong enough, and so on to accomplish everything you want to do. Don't let worn-out beliefs stop you from moving beyond yourself.” (John Bingham) As a friend of mine says, "So to in the spiritual life!" Faith, belief is the starting point, having faith in your relationship with God. The world will tell you many different things; it will say at time, "You are crazy for believing!" But we don't let the world tells us what is important, what to believe or not believe. We don't dwell in the past. We move beyond the world, we move beyond the past to the present moment and we believe in ourselves and our God!

Daily Blessing: Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope this finds you well and starting a new day with energy and enthusiasm! Here is Pelham the white stuff (snow) is coming down rather steady. After missing the storms over the weekend we got this one! If you had to deal with the weekend storms I hope things have gotten back to normal for this Tuesday and if not I hope you are weathering things ok.

Yesterday I attended the funeral of Mrs. Jeanne O'Shea, the mother of Fr. Jim O'Shea, C.P. whom I live with. It brought me back to my own mother's funeral a couple of years ago. Losing a mother or a father is always tough even if you are prepared and even if it is the best thing for them. Please keep Fr. Jim and his family in your prayers!

Well as the snow falls and we continue our journey through these Advent days to Christmas I pray for God's blessing upon all of us today and always - Loving God, bless us this day with your eternal love, Jesus. Life our minds in watchful hope to hear the voice which announces his glory and open our hearts to receive the Spirit who prepares us for his coming once. May Christ be born in our hearts this day and may we always bring your gift of eternal love to all we meet. Bless on this journey of Advent that we might be ready to celebrate the gift of Christmas once again. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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