Daily Thoughts: "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, rejoice. Indeed the Lord is near. So be patient and rejoice!" (Words from both Paul and James) The anticipation of Christmas is probably getting to us by now. We have been in and out of stores, fought the crowds, looked for bargains, yet not all the shopping or preparation is done. The tree is up the decorations are out and we have caught the Christmas spirit. However, we must be patient, Christmas is coming but not quite yet!
There is a joy and happiness to the fact that Christmas is coming but we still have to deal with everyday life. There is still work to be done. The Third Sunday of Advent always seems to bring these two feeling together, the joy, the rejoicing and the anticipation of what is coming - Christmas and the patients and investment in everyday life that is needed because Christmas is not here yet.
The mixing of emotions can be difficult and stressful. We can sometimes let on emotion overcome to other. Yet patience and joy are the essence of what makes life livable! In the Gospel today, (Matthew 11: 2-11), Jesus asks the questions, what are we looking for and what do we expect? he asks these question in reference to John the Baptist but also in reference to the living of life. If we believe, if we have faith, then what is it we are looking for out of life? What do we expect from our relationship with God? Can we find joy in it? Can we be patient and let the story, let the journey play out?
Yes, Christmas is coming it will be here in ten days. Can we be patient, can we keep the joy alive, can we live in the moment? Can we rejoice in the hope the God is always near?
Have a great Sunday everyone!
Daily Prayer: Loving God, help us take on the Advent work of restoring our lives to the meaning and joy for which we were created. Lead by the spirit of the Eternal Shepherd grace us with the strength of renewing our lives by focusing on compassion, forgiveness and justice the foundation on which your Kingdom is built. Amen!
Runner's Thought: “Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.” (Dean Karnazes) Always live by faith and have hope!
Daily Blessing: I am off in a few moments to celebrate mass at Nativity of Our Blessed Lady Parish in the Bronx. I am beginning a mission there and will preach both English masses today and celebrate the mission Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm. So if you are in the area come and join us, if not please pray for the faith community at Nativity of Our Blessed Lady and their preacher!
On this Third Sunday of Advent I ask God to bless you with the joy and hope of this wonderful season. Have a great day and remember to give God a little of your time today! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
"Rejoice always, I will say it again, rejoice! God is always near!"
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