Daily Thoughts: Today's
readings are all about God, especially the will of God. In the Second Letter of
Samuel (2Sam. 6: 12b-15, 17-19) David has followed the will of God and in
today’s reading we hear about David and the people bring the Ark of the Covenant
to its new home in the City of David and the ritual if full of festivities and
sacrifices. In the gospel (Mark 3: 31-35) Jesus invites us into his family,
everyone who does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother. In other
words if we live out life as the person God has created us to be we are part of
the family!
None of this is easy. Human nature is
always calling us to the easiest, quickest, self-centered and most
self-indulging way of life. Most of the time our human nature rubs up against
God's way, tension is created, struggle ensues. It is almost never easy to do
what Jesus would do, to do what God calls us to do, yet if we respond to God's
call, God's will, we are part of the family. We have the support, the prayers,
the energy, the faith, the hope, the love of others and the most important
other is God!
As we journey through life today, as we
find ourselves in the midst of struggles between what the world suggests and
what God suggests let us remember even though what God suggests might seem
harder, not as glamorous, not as self-fulfilling it is the family we walk with
that will make all the difference!
Have a great Tuesday everyone and Happy
Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas especially to all Dominicans out there!
Daily Prayer: Grant, O Lord our
God, that we may never fall away in success or in failure; that we may not be
prideful in prosperity nor dejected in adversity. Let us rejoice only in what
unites us and sorrow only in what separates us. May we strive to please no one
or fear to displease anyone except You. May we see always the things that are
eternal and never those that are only temporal. May we shun any joy that is
without You and never seek any that is beside You. O Lord, may we delight in
any work we do for You and tire of any rest that is apart from You. Loving God,
let us direct our hearts towards You, and in our failings, always repent with a
purpose of amendment. Amen! (Adapted from a prayer by St. Thomas Aquinas)
Runner's Thought: Remember that
if during our runs we have the desire to run and pray then our runs can
transform the simplest moments into divine encounters!
Daily Blessing: Yes, it is the
feast of the great Dominican theologian and philosopher, St. Thomas Aquinas so
I send a special shout out to all Dominican women and men, especially Fr. Don
Goergen, OP – Happy Feast Day!
My prayer of blessing is once again
simple I pray today for God’s blessing upon all of us and I pray in the hope
everyone will have a great Tuesday. However if our day has started slow, or
disorganized, or in a panic, may we not worry and may it all come together by
day's end! If our day started with peace and purpose may these two graces see us
through to the end of the day! If our day started with struggle and tension may
we find moments of peace and calm that sustain us through the day. If our day
has started without God, may we let God find us so that we will not walk and
work alone! Blessings to all! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
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