Sunday, March 23, 2014

Making a Joyful Noise through Lent 03/23/2014

Making a Joyful Noise through Lent – 03/23/2014
“The salvation which God has wrought, and the Church joyfully proclaims, is for everyone. God has found a way to unite himself to every human being in every age. He has chosen to call them together as a people and not as isolated individuals. No one is saved by himself or herself, individually, or by his or her own efforts. God attracts us by taking into account the complex interweaving of personal relationships entailed in the life of a human community. This people which God has chosen and called is the Church. Jesus did not tell the apostles to form an exclusive and elite group. He said: “Go and make disciples of all nations”” (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel)

These words from Pope Francis are played out in our Gospel (John 4:5-42) for this Third Sunday of Lent. Jesus joyfully engages the Samaritan woman at the well. He moves her from isolation into the community. Jesus takes into account her struggles, her situation and her relationship to the human community and invites her to be part of the Church. She becomes a proclaimer of the word, an evangelizer.

The readings today talk about change and the struggle we as human being have with change. The Israelites (Exodus 17:3-7) are struggling with the changes in their life. Suddenly the slavery of Egypt doesn’t look so bad compared to a journey through the desert. They are struggling with life outsider their comfort zone, with life that calls them to trust in their relationship with God

The Samaritan woman is struggling in her life, yet she is truthful about it and open to a conversation with God about it. She is challenged to change, to see things differently. Actually all the characters in our Gospel story are challenged to change and see things differently, the woman, the disciples and people of Sychar. The encounter with Jesus will leave them all changed in the end.

Jesus asks them to see water, food, life and God differently, especially God. God is not a person relegated to one place or another, to one mountain, one city, one group of people. God is there for everyone! Yes, sinners are included, thankfully as St. Paul tells us (Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8).

We are challenge to hear the word of God today and be hopeful. Because God is amongst us, all of us and God loves us, all of us!

Happy Sunday evening everyone and don’t forget to make a joyful noise with your life today!
Daily Lenten Prayer: O God, living and true, look upon your people, whose parched and hardened hearts are searching for living water. Unseal the Spirit of your Love; let it become within us a joyful spring, rising up to eternal life. Help us to worship you in spirit and in truth through Christ, our deliverance and hope,
who died that we might live. Amen!

Runner’s Thoughts: Remember, as we run, it is not as if God is waiting at the finish line, or the end of the block or back in the driveway or at the side door. Rather, each step takes us closer to the realization that God's presence - God's grace - is with us already, and we need only to pay attention to that presence. In other words, let us let go of our expectations today as we run and let God! (Adapted from Running the Spiritual Path by Roger Joslin)

Daily Blessing: Sunday greetings to all! Sorry for being late today but I have limited access to the internet and this is the first chance I had to get on today. It has been a full day, with eight masses from last night until this evening. I was not able to attend them all but I did preach at them all sometimes running from one location to another at the parish here has two worships sights. My voice held out and now I have an evening to rest before the mission begins with the noon mass tomorrow.

I will rest because not only do I have limited access to the internet but also no TV! So I guess I will just have to pray…I will offer night prayer for all of you this evening. May God bless you with a restful and peaceful night so that you can rise refreshed tomorrow to begin a new day and a new week!

The preaching over the weekend went well and St. Patrick’s is a very spirit filled parish and I look forward the the four days and evenings ahead. Please keep the faith community here at St. Patrick’s in your prayers and add a prayer for their preacher!

Blessing to all tonight. May God’s grace and peace be with you! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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