Daily Thought: I thought I
would wonder away from today’s scriptures because I have been reflecting lately
on the following verses from John’s Gospel. “You are my friends….It was not you
who chose me, but I who chose you.” Two
reflections by Jesus in John (John 15:14, 16) that I have given me pause for
thought as I prepare for my morning retreat conference.
On the one hand there is something
comforting about being a friend of Jesus. Yes, this friendship demands a lot
and is not always easy, but being identified as a friend of Jesus often helps
me to know that I am never alone. When you think about it someone who is
willing to and did lay down his life for me is not going to walk away from me.
The only person who can walk away from this relationship is me!
The second reflection by Jesus is a
little more of a struggle. I guess I would prefer to think that I am in
control, that I am the one doing the choosing and to a certain extent I have
chosen God. However, when I look back over my life I can see the signs of God’s
hand, of Jesus’ invitation. I can see God’s plan at work in the story of my
life. I am who I am today not because I chose God but because God chose me!
I have come to believe that it is God
who does the choosing, extending the invitation to be friends. After all we can
put Jesus’ words together with Psalm 139. “O God you probe me and you know….You
formed my inmost being: you knit me in my mother’s womb.” Yes, God did the
choosing long ago. God chose to create me and Jesus chose me as a friend.
God so loves the world that each of us
are fearfully, wonderfully made so as we live this day let us trust in our
friendship with God and live the gift that God has created us to be!
Have a great Tuesday everyone and don’t
forget to make a joyful noise with your life today!
Daily Prayer: Loving Jesus, you have no body now on earth
but mine, no hands but mind and no feet but mine. Mine are the eyes through
which you look out with compassion on the world. Mine are the feet with which
you go about doing good. Mine are the hands with which you bless people now.
Jesus you have no body now on earth but mine so through me bless the world
today. Amen! (Adapted from St. Teresa of Avila)
A Runner’s Thoughts: “There is a
lesson to be learned from running in various emotional states, just as there
are lessons to learn from running in a wide range of environmental settings.
Don’t shy away from running in an unaccustomed state of mind or an unusual
situation. Opportunity for enlightenment often waits in the unfamiliar.” (Roger
Daily Blessing: Tuesday
greetings and blessings everyone! I hope your day has started off well. Here in
San Angelo I woke up about 4:00 am and have been up ever since with thoughts
for three talks and a homily dancing in my head. It is one of the occupational hazards
of being a preacher in the midst of a retreat. I will not sleep well all week!
As I mentioned yesterday I have found
summer here in San Angelo. The sun is out, not a cloud in the sky and it looks
to be another beautiful day but it is going to be hot once again. I hope you
have the sun and blues sky but not 90s heat!
The retreat opened last night and I
think we are off to a good start. There are about 40 priest here and the
bishop. They seem to have a good spirit and I am looking forward to the next
few days even though I will not be sleeping! So if you could I would ask that
you continue to pray for the bishop and priests on retreat and it you get a
chance please offer a little prayer for the preacher too! Believe me I would greatly
appreciate it!
Have a great day everyone! I prayer for
God’s blessings upon your work, your travel, your encounters with others, upon
those whom you love and upon you! Peace in Christ’s Passion and Joy in the
Risen Lord…Fr. Paul
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