Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 06/11/2014

Daily Thoughts: I was thinking early this morning about my Uncle Joe. June 11th is his anniversary of death. He died some 31 years ago. He was my only uncle and I guess you could say I looked up to him, both literally and figuratively. I was a big man at least by the standards of those days. He has played football in high school. He was a lineman. He has the personality of a salesman, which he was, not in a negative way, but a positive way. He could talk to anyone and just being around him made you feel at ease. He would call me “Pedro.”  I am not sure why as my name is Paul and “Pedro” means Peter, however I didn’t mind and use to look forward to his greeting of “Pedro” whenever the family got together.

Uncle Joe, at least from my perspective, was a positive man always willing to pass along a good word or two. He was fun loving and at times would like to “stir the pot” at family gatherings just to keep things lively. He always seemed to have encouraging words for everyone he met.

I share these things about my Uncle Joe because today we celebrate the feast of St. Barnabas. Now Barnabas’ original name was Joseph and Barnabas’ name means “son of encouragement.”  I guess in thinking about my uncle I could not help but connect the two. Two men who because of their personalities and their outlook on life brought encouragement and energy to whomever they met. They brought the presence of God. They were gifts in the lives of the people they met. They each did it in their own way and I am grateful for having known them, one in real life and the other in my story of faith.

I am thankful for both Barnabas and Joseph today and may their spirits of encouragement bless all of us as we wander through this day and always! Have a great “Hump Day” everyone and remember to be a joyful noise today!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, please send people of encouragement who bring your presence in to our lives. We thank you for the family and friends that we have now who encourage us. Always bless us with the wisdom and favor of family, friends and people who bring the gift of encouragement to our lives always! We pray this through the source of all encouragement Jesus the Lord! Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: One of the things about running is that our greatest runs are rarely measured by great achievements or racing success. They are moments in time when running allows us to see how wonderful our life is. They are moments in time when running enables us to encounter the presence of God. (Adapted from a quote by Kara Goucher)
And a second thought about running from Runner’s World – “There are as many reasons for running as there are days in the year, years in my life. But mostly I run because I am an animal and a child, an artist and a saint. So, too, are you. Find your own play, your own self-renewing compulsion, and you will become the person you are meant to be.” (George Sheehan)

Daily Blessing: Wednesday greetings to all! I truly hope the first part of your week has been a good one and that your “Hump Day” has started off in a positive way. We have clouds and rain today here in Pelham with a damp coolness to the air. I guess we are to have this weather for the next couple of day. Things around here will certainly continue to be green!

I journey to Boston yesterday to attend the funeral of Fr. Fidelis Connolly, C.P. It was a long day but I was glad that I had gone. “Fid” was an important part of my early Passionist life and it was nice to celebrate the gift of his life.

I pray for God’s blessings upon your day today that it will be filled with many positives and that the negatives will only be fleeting moments. Please know I am trying to do my part for you by asking God’s blessings upon all you do, upon everyone you meet and upon everyone you love! May there be many words, signs and people of encouragement in your life today! Peace in Christ’s Passion and Joy in the Wisdom of God…Fr. Paul

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