Daily Thoughts: There was a
poster I once saw that said, “If you were to be put on trial for being a
Christian, would you be found guilty?” Perhaps that is what Jesus is getting at
in the Gospel today (Matt 7:21-29). It is not about what we say; it is about
how we live especially when there is a storm.
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “I like your
Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your
Christ.” If we are to be people of faith, we need to be Christ like.
As Jesus images in the Gospel, our faith
needs to be built on God, our rock, so that when the storms come and the winds
blow we stand firm. It does not mean that we don’t sway a little; that we are
not pushed at times to our limits; or that the electricity doesn’t go off from
time to time. What it does mean is that when the storm is over, the wind stop
blowing and the sun comes out we are still standing and a member of the Body of
Have a great afternoon and evening and
don’t forget to make a joyful noise with your life today!
Daily Prayer:
Loving God, help us today;
To live life as an opportunity and benefit
from it;
To live life as beauty and admire it;
To live life as a dream and realize it;
To see life as a challenge and meet it;
To live life as duty and complete it;
To see life as a game and play it;
To live life as a promise and fulfill it;
To live life as sorrow and overcome it;
To live life as a song and sing it;
To live life as a struggle and accept it;
To live life as a tragedy and confront it;
To live life as an adventure and dare it;
To live life as luck and make it;
To live life as too precious and not destroy
To live life as life and embrace it to the
fullest. Amen!
(Adapted from a quote by Blessed Mother
A Runner’s Thoughts: In an ancient
rabbinic saying it is said that when we human beings journey we are preceded by
angels crying, “Make way! May way! Here comes the image of God!” So when we run
next let us be the image of God!
Daily Blessing: Happy Thursday
and blessings to everyone! Sorry I am a little late today but the retreat
business is busy and I was moving a bit slower this morning so I didn’t get a
chance to put down my thoughts until now. I hope you are having a good day!
Here in Manitowoc at Holy Family Convent
we continue our journey of retreat and I haven’t lost anyone yet at least that
I know of. I would ask you to continue to keep the sisters on retreat in your
prayers and if you have the chance to say an extra prayer could you remember
their preacher. I would also ask you to remember a young man and woman who are
struggling mightily. They both find themselves in a bit of darkness and are
trying to make sense out of the hand life has dealt them at this moment. They
are in need of prayer and they certainly are in my prayers but I could use some
help praying for them so if you have the time please join me in asking God to
show them his love!
I pray that God is blessing you with a
wonderful day. May all your endeavors be rich in the presence, grace, love, joy
and hope of God. Remember to try and be a joyful, hopeful presence to all you
meet today! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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