Daily Thoughts: A year or so
ago I read a book entitled Leaving
Church: A Memoir of Faith by Barbara Brown Taylor. She is one of my
favorite authors, I love the way she writes and how she tells a story. In the
book Barbara tells a little anecdote about life as pastor/rector of her first
parish in northern Georgia. After services one Trinity Sunday she found a
miniature Three Musketeer Bar and a note on her car. They were from an
eccentric woman who lived across the street from the church. The note read,
“One for all and all for one, Happy Trinity Sunday.”
I could not help but laugh as I read the
story again last night, it has stuck with me over the past year and I keep
coming back to it. Taylor writes the story as she is talking about settling
into her first parish as a pastor/rector. It wasn’t easy, there were challenges
and struggles, but this story seemed to reflect an acceptance, a fitting in for
Perhaps that is what this feast of the
Holy Trinity is all about. We celebrate the mystery of God as Trinity, three
persons but one God. Just saying it seems odd. How can we have three persons
but just one God? How can we talk about three individuals yet still only be
talking about one God? In human language it is impossible yet that is what we
believe. We celebrate the gift of three person so connect, so intimate, so
focused that they are one. Believing means that we are part of that one,
members of the relationship, accepted.
We believe in, we celebrate our God
today who is all for one and one for all. Happy Trinity Sunday everyone!
Daily Prayer: Eternal God! A
Trinity of persons, Father, Son, and Spirit, yet one in being, whose presence
in our life we honor today. You are the beginning and end of all things and it
is in and through you that we live and move and have the very breath of life.
So today we come before you in body, mind and spirit to honor and thank you for
the gift of your presence in our lives. What can we offer you, O God, that will
reflect and give thanks for all that you have done for us? All we can do today
is give thanks for your Trinity of Love, and serve you all the days of our
lives. So let each of us bless the Lord, with all our heart, with all our soul,
with all our being and let all that is within us give God thanks this day and
always. Amen!
A Runner’s Thoughts: Remember
running in a different place every once in a while can bring with it a
different set of experiences. Each new setting can provide an opportunity to
practice our spiritual running by helping us to be aware of not only new things
around us but also new things within us. Running in a new place stretches our
ability to find God in our runs, in life and in ourselves!
Daily Blessing: Happy Father’s
Day and blessings on the feast of the Most Holy Trinity to everyone! I hope you
find yourself in the midst of a blessed Sunday and a relaxing Father’s Day. The
sun is out here in Pelham this morning and it looks and feels like it is going
to be a beautiful day!
I pray for God’s blessings upon all of
you today and always. I hope you will be blessed especially this Father’s Day
with the richness of family, friends, warmth, peace and rest. May God truly be
with you and those you love, keeping you safe as you enjoy the gifts of
creation and the memories of fathers who were a part of your life and the
presence of fathers who are currently in your life. Remember to spend a little
time with God today because after all, “One for all and all for one!” Peace in
Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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