Thursday, August 14, 2014

Daily Thoughts and a Blessing - 08/14/2014

Daily Thoughts and a Blessing: Good morning all! It was an early rise for us, 3:30 am. Now we sit in the airport waiting to board our flight to Madrid where we will catch our flight to New York. It was be a long day!

We had a very nice day yesterday as we had a bus tour of Paris hitting all the high points. It ended at Notre Dame Cathedral and then we were all free for the afternoon and evening. I walked back from Notre Dame to the hotel about 4 miles. I got to see a lot of the neighborhoods of Paris as I wandered through the city.

I had a wonderful dinner with my classmate and fellow Passionist, Fr. Melvin who is stationed in Paris at St. Joseph's Parish the only english speaking parish in Paris. He showed me around the church and the Passionist residence and then we went to his favorite French restaurant. I was a great meal!

I finished the evening on the 34 floor of our hotel having a beer and looking out over Paris at night. Hourly the Eiffel Tower's light twinkle for about 5 minutes, it truly a glorious sight!

Well, out journey is almost over and it has been a wonderful one, with many graces, blessings, emotions and joys! I truly feel blessed to have made the journey!

Daily Blessing: I hope all of you will rise in about seven hours to a new wonderful day. I hope your day will be blessed with the richness of God's blessings. May you have a day blessed with a strong faith, a life giving hope, rich love and energizing joy. Please offer a prayer that our journey will be safe and uneventful. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul 

PS The nest time you hear from me I will be back home and ready to share the blessings of my journey with you!  

1 comment:

  1. Blessed be the people who are pure of heart for they will see God the sinners will be clean of sin God will make them all new every beginning is every tomorrow thx for the candle for the children blessings overflowing pressed done shaken and without measure safely home peace
