Daily Thoughts: The Feast of
Christ the King has never been one of my favorite feasts. I think it is because
kings have never really been a positive image for me during my life time. I
have grown up in the age of democracy, kings and kingdoms seem to be part of
the past. I have read about kings and kingdoms. I have studies them in school.
Over the course of history one can find a lot a positive images, stories and
experiences of kings and kingdoms however from a personal perspective they are
part of days gone by, not the reality of my life experience. Truth be told,
kings and kingdoms for me often symbolize a time when ordinary people meant
nothing and there was a great divide between the “haves” and the “have nots!”
So what am I, what are we, to do today,
faced with Christ honored, celebrated, as a king. Well, first, we need to look
at the reality of Jesus' kingdom; it is a kingdom that is not of this world,
meaning it is different kind of kingdom, one we have never seen or experience
before. It is a kingdom of truth, and a truth that can set us free. We also
know from the life of Jesus that it was not about the “haves” and the “have
nots,” it was about community, it was about people. Jesus’ kingdom is a kingdom
of caring for the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the ill and the
imprisoned. In other worlds it is a kingdom where we recognize the king amongst
In my homily today I used the image of
Pope Francis and an image of Jesus as King. I asked the question, “What most intrigues
us about Pope Francis?” Well I think it is the way he has gone about being
Pope. He chose not to live by himself, but to live amongst others. He chose not
to eat by himself, but to eat with others. He chose not to celebrate Mass by
himself, but to celebrate with others. Pope Francis has chosen to be part of
the Church not just the head of the Church and I think that makes all the
Jesus chose to be part of us, to be
amongst us and that has made all the difference as we celebrate his Kingship
today. Jesus' kingdom is beyond,
government, power, authority and institution. It is a body, a living body made
up of many members working as one for the good of all, for the salvation of
all, for the love of all. Jesus' as king rules to bring out the best in us so
that truth, life, holiness, grace, justice, love and peace will be lived. Jesus
rules here and now. So may we follow the example of Jesus, the true shepherd,
and be the Body of Christ, and be the Kingdom of God, a kingdom that truly
honors its people by not walking past the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger,
the naked, the ill, the imprisoned, or anyone who becomes Christ for us by
challenging us to care.
Let us honor Christ our King today by
becoming instruments of his justice, peace and presence in the world today.
Bringing love where there is hate, bringing pardon, where people are hurting,
bringing faith to moments of doubt, bringing hope to hopeless times, bringing
compassion when uncaring is the norm and bringing the light joy to an often
joyless world. Let us honor Christ our King, by giving, pardoning and loving so
that one day all may be born in to the true Kingdom of eternal life!
Have a blessed and faith filled Sunday
everyone and don’t forget to give God a little time today!
Daily Prayer: Loving God, may
we look beyond the earthly images of king and find your loving presence in our
life this day and always. May it lead us to truth, life, holiness, grace,
justice, joy and peace. May it make us true workers in your eternal kingdom of
love! Amen!
A Runner's Thoughts: "Happiness
is an inexpressibly misleading and temporary thing, decides nothing; the true
stations of joy are on the road which lies through simple endurance." (Rainer
Maria Rilke)
Daily Blessing: Happy Feast of
Christ the King! Have a blessed and holy Sunday. May we celebrate this day with
joy and peace for this is the Day that the Lord has made so let us rejoice and
be glad. May there always be work for us to do.
May our pockets and purses always hold a coin or two. May the sun always
shine warm on our windowpanes. May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of family, a loved one and a friend always be near and may God
fill our hearts with gladness and love that we in turn can share! May the blessing
of Christ the Shepherd and Servant King be upon you today and always. Peace in
Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
Some Sunday afternoon thoughts, prayers and musings from the Preacher on the Run!