Daily Thought: It is
interesting I ended the parish mission last night with the parable of the Rich
Fool! In today's Gospel Jesus speaks about the Wise and the Foolish Person. The
question is on what foundation is our faith, our relationship with God built.
Here in New York we had a very profound
example of the power of the wind and the sea just a little over two years ago.
Homes that were built near the shore took a big hit; many were ripped from
their foundations. We found out firsthand the power of nature.
Jesus uses the image of the power of
nature to remind us that there are many things in this life that can pose a
threat to our faith, our relationship with God and if we don't have it anchored
well, if we have not build our relationship with God on a strong foundation the
challenges, the struggles, the difficulties of life are going to ripe our faith
from its foundation.
As we learned from yesterday's Gospel
God will take care of us but we have got to trust and we have got to be willing
to share. So today let us not be foolish, let us be wise so that our faith does
not collapse but that it stands firm in the midst of the storms of life!
As extra thought to keep our faith
rooted on rock...St. John Chrysostom says: "Prayer is the place of refuge
for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness,
a protection against sadness."
Have a great day everyone!
Have a great day everyone!
Daily Prayer: O God, stir up
your power and come. Help us with your mighty strength, your mercy and your
grace to stand firm amid the storms of life. Bless us today with a strong
foundation so that when the floods come, the winds blow and the rain falls we
will have shelter and strength in your love! Amen!
A Runner's Thoughts: A runner who
embarks on the journey of prayer and running can expect surprises, missteps,
and perhaps great leaps toward a relationship with God!
Daily Blessing: Thursday
blessings to all! I would like to send a shout out to my nephew, James on his
birthday. Happy Birthday, James! Many blessings today and I hope your finals
this semester go well!
We had a great closing to the mission
here at St. Paul’s last night. It was spirit filled just like the two previous
nights. I have very grateful to all who made this mission possible and for the
wonderful hospitality of the St. Paul’s faith community. I wish them well on
their journey through Advent to Christmas and on their journey through life.
May the spirit of Paul the Apostle be with them always!
In a few hours I will begin my journey.
I wish I could stay in the warmth of Tampa for a few more days but I am glad I
had a little break these last few days. I will fly to Washington, DC this
afternoon to pick up my car and spend a few extra days with my grandnieces and
then on Saturday head back to New York.
May prayer of blessing today is once
again a simple one drawn from a prayer by St. Teresa of Avila – Loving God
bless us today with the grace to always allow ourselves to be guided by you and
to always follow your plans for us. May we accomplish those plans with your
grace. Grant that in all things great and small, today and every day we will do
whatever you ask of us with joy and love. Loving God bless us with the strength and grace that
your will, will be done by us, in us and through us. Amen! Blessings to all and
have a great Thursday everyone! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
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