Friday, January 2, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 01/02/2015

Daily Thoughts: Our readings today focus on Christology, who Christ is for us. The saints we celebrate today St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory Nazianzen have a smile on their faces as they spent a lot of time talking, writing and defining Christology – the humanness of Christ and the divinity of Christ, or perhaps said differently the mystery of Christ. Who exactly is Christ in our life? How have we come to know him?

For me one of the interesting aspects of our readings is not so much the presentation of Christology, who Christ is but it is the reality of coming to know Christ for ourselves. John the Baptist shows us the way; to know Christ we have to know ourselves, know who we are and who we are not. John knows himself and in knowing who he is, he is able to know Christ. John the Evangelist in the first reading tells his community to remember who they are and in doing so they will remember and know Christ. It is an age old process, it is the foundation of our journey of faith – to know ourselves is to know God!

Perhaps in these early days of the New Year it might be good to pause and do a little self-reflection, not in a narcissistic way, but in an honest way. Who are we? What do we value? What do we believe? What are our struggles? What are our faults and failings? What are our joys and hopes? As we once again come to recognize and know ourselves, we will once again come to recognize and know our God!

Have a great Friday everyone and may you find hope, joy, peace and love in the Passion of Christ today and always!

Daily Prayer: O God, grant us the humility of knowing ourselves as we truly are and thus coming to know you better. Help us to see your presence in our daily lives so that your gift of hope remains alive within us and may we past your hope on to those whom we meet today. We continue though out this Christmas Season to pray for families in grief and for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! And that we may truly see the saving power of you our God today and always...Amen!

A Runner's Thoughts: “For me, as for so many runners, there really are no finish lines. Runs end; running doesn't.” (Dean Karnazes). So today, run with the purpose of becoming a friend of God and you will never run alone!

Daily Blessing: Friday blessings to all! I hope this finds you well and enjoying this first Friday of the New Year. It seem like a crazy week with the holiday yesterday and today being Friday the doorway into another weekend. In a way the last two weeks have seemed like one long weekend!  

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Mario Cuomo family. Former Governor Mario Cuomo died yesterday my prayer is that he has found peace with God and that his family will find peace. Governor Cuomo was a great speaker and a truthful and honest man. His presence will be missed!

Today, I pray for God’s blessing upon all of us that God’s blessing will help us navigate through the struggles, disappointments and sadness of life. That it will help us find the joy, the grace, the wonderfulness and the gift of God’s presence this day wherever we travel to, in whomever we meet, in whatever we need to do and most importantly within ourselves so that we will never give up! Loving God, bless us this day with the wisdom, the understanding, the knowledge, the courage, the good judgment, the reverence and the wonder and awe to trust in and have faith that you are alive within us, that you love us and that you will never leave us alone in the midst of the perils of life. Amen – Blessings to all, be safe, be warm! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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