Daily Thought: “The salvation
which God has wrought, and the Church joyfully proclaims, is for everyone. God
has found a way to unite himself to every human being in every age. He has
chosen to call them together as a people and not as isolated individuals. No
one is saved by himself or herself, individually, or by his or her own efforts.
God attracts us by taking into account the complex interweaving of personal
relationships entailed in the life of a human community. This people which God
has chosen and called is the Church. Jesus did not tell the apostles to form an
exclusive and elite group. He said: “Go and make disciples of all nations””
(Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel)
These words from Pope Francis came to
mind as I was preparing to preach this weekend. For the longest time I
struggled with these readings especially the first reading from the Book of
Exodus and the Gospel from John. What was I going to say about them?
On the one hand in the Book of Exodus we
have the Ten Commandments or as the Old Testament itself call them the Ten
Words. In the Gospel we have Jesus getting angry with the money changers and those
who were selling oxen, sheep and doves for sacrifice. What is God saying to us
Often when we think of the Ten
Commandments we think of laws, rules, regulations that we must follow. We think
negatively about things that we can and cannot do. We think of things that take
the fun out of life or obstacles that get in our way. We think of burdens that
we have to carry. Yet as I sat with this reading during the week I didn’t see
rule, regulations and laws I saw a relationship, my relationship with God.
These are not just laws they are ways of living life, of honoring God, family,
others and self. They are ways of helping the world encounter God’s presence.
In much the same way as I prayed with
the Gospel I did not just hear and see Jesus angry with buying and selling in
the temple. I saw and heard Jesus alive with God’s love as disappointed that
those around him were not alive with that love too.
St. Paul reminds us today that the
answers to our problems are not found in miracles, signs or wisdom. They are
found in pausing before the Cross and remembering God’s love for us. It is in
that sign, that wisdom that we find power, strength and wisdom that will last!
God has truly found a way to unite
himself to us. He has chosen to call us together as a people and not as
isolated individuals. Let us be family today. Let us be Church today. Let us be
people who walk by faith today!
Have a blessed Sunday everyone and may
the Passion of Jesus Christ be always in your heart!
Daily Prayer: O God, living
and true look upon your people, who’s parched and hardened hearts are searching
for living water. Unseal the Spirit of your Love; let it become within us a
joyful spring, rising up to eternal life. Help us to worship you in spirit and
in truth through Christ, our deliverance and hope, who died that we might live.
A Runner’s Thoughts: Remember, as we
run, it is not as if God is waiting at the finish line, or the end of the block
or back in the driveway or at the side door. Rather, each step takes us closer
to the realization that God's presence - God's grace - is with us already, and
we need only to pay attention to that presence. In other words, let us let go
of our expectations today as we run and let God! (Adapted from Running the
Spiritual Path by Roger Joslin)
Daily Blessing: Sunday
greetings and blessings to everyone! It has been a full morning, with three
masses. As I enter into the afternoon I am finished for the day inviting people
to the mission now it is up to God to touch their hearts. I think I am going to
take a walk in the sunshine this afternoon. It is a bit windy and thus on the
cold side but it will be nice to get out and look at the ocean, breath in some
fresh air and thank God for a beautiful day.
May God bless you with a holy and relaxing
day, with some sun, some milder temperatures, some smiles and the grace of God’s
joy to enjoy a beautiful day. When night comes may you also have a restful and
peaceful night so that you can rise refreshed tomorrow to begin a new day and a
new week!
Blessing and peace to all. May God’s
grace and peace be with you! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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