Sunday, April 26, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 04/26/2015

Daily Thoughts: The rejected stone and the good shepherd two images that we find in our readings today. Each of them has been a source of struggle, challenge and strength for me over the years.

My first thought when I hear the image of the rejected stone is – Why would I use a stone rejected by the builders as a cornerstone? If I were building something that I want to last I would find the very best stones that I could. I would want all the materials to be the best so why would I use a rejected stone?

Well as we sometimes learn in life we mistakenly reject things before we really learn their value and importance. We can have our mind made up, our vision set on how things should be, or on how things should look and we can miss the true value of something or someone that might just might bring our project together that just might be the perfect foundation to build upon and around.

Jesus was rejected. People had their own ideas of what a prophet, a messiah, the Christ should be and do. But for those who followed Jesus, who encounter him as the Risen Lord, who encounter his Holy Spirit – they began to see him not as a rejected stone but as the cornerstone of their faith.

Jesus anchors the fountain of our relationship with God. He holds together all the living stones that form the community of faith that we call church. He is the foundation upon which each of us rest as we make our way on this journey of faith, seeking to stake our lives on the promises of God.

Many years ago as a young theology student I had the opportunity to make a short visit to the Vatican Museum in Rome. I only had a day to explore the Vatican but as I and a classmate journeyed through the vast Vatican Museum I remember encountering a statue of Jesus the Good Shepherd. The statue dated back to the second century and it portrayed Jesus as a young, beardless man wearing a tunic and carrying a lamb.

At the time I wondered why one of the first images of Jesus in the life of the Church would be the Good Shepherd and not that of Jesus on the Cross. Then I was reminded that in the second century Christianity was not accepted and those who believed were often persecuted for following Jesus, many were even put to death in profoundly cruel ways.  Therefore Christians often had to practice their faith in secret. They had to use images that would not call attention to what they believed yet for all who did believe the images would be a source of strength and connection. You might say the image would become a cornerstone. The shepherd image became that very cornerstone. For the world around the early Christians in Rome the image of the statue could be interpreted as a slave simply carrying a lamb to sacrifice to a Roman god however for those who believed it was the Good Shepherd, it was Jesus, the cornerstone of their faith.

Our readings today remind us to look beyond the obvious. We cannot settle for what the world tells us is important and valuable. If we do we might reject the vary thing that can bring our life together. We might miss the opportunity to build our faith, our relationship with God on a strong and lasting foundation. Our readings remind us that Jesus the rejected stone is the fountain of our life and as the Good Shepherd who hears us and knows our voice, who always walks with us and will never leave us to face the struggles, difficulties and challenges of life alone.

Jesus is the cornerstone. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Jesus does make all the difference! Have a holy and blessed Sunday everyone and may the Passion of Jesus Christ be always in your heart!

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, our hearts are before us. We try but by ourselves we can do nothing. Grace us with your presence and help us to do what we cannot. Admit us to the inner room of your love. We ask, we seek, we knock. You have given us the command to ask, help us to receive. You have challenged us to seek, enable us to find. You have taught us how to knock, please open the door. Amen. (Adapted from a prayer by St. Anselm of Canterbury)

A Runner’s Thoughts: Simply imagine that God is with you constantly on a run. It matters little how you conceive God. Take whatever conception of God you have, and allow that image of God to accompany you on the trial. (Adapted from - Running The Spiritual Path by Roger Joslin)

Daily Blessing: Sunday greetings and blessings to all! I hope your Sunday has started off well and that you are enjoying the gifts of sun, warmth and colors. It is a beautiful day here in Carmel, IN.

I will be leaving Carmel around noon today to continue my journey to St. Louis. So today I will pray that God blesses you with a beautiful Sunday and that you will all be blessed with a joyfulness of the moment and not be burdened by the struggles of life. May you encounter God in the beauty of the day, the relaxation of a Sunday, the gathering of family and/or friends and within the gift of your own life today! Have a blessed and holy Sunday everyone! Peace in Christ’s Passion and Joy in the Risen Lord….Fr. Paul

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