Monday, June 29, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 06/29/2015

Daily Thoughts: Today we celebrate the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, two very prominent figures in our story of faith, two men who grounded and push forward the early Church but who did it in very different ways. We celebrate two men who remind us why we are Church, two men who reflect what it means to be Church.

I sometimes think that Sts. Peter and Paul reflect the Church though it might be nice to have a triptych of saints today with perhaps the third being a woman, like St. Mary Magdalen. If Mary were included our celebration today our feast would surely be a more complete picture of the Church and the Body of Christ.

However, we celebrate Peter and Paul, two people of different approaches to life, different ways of living, different ministries. They didn’t always agree yet they forged an energy, a spirit that remains with us today.

St. Peter was a passionate man but one who was easily swayed by the moment. St. Paul was a man of conviction, spirit and energy but at least early on it was misguided. Both had to be challenged by God to accept their roles as leaders, preachers and persons of faith.

We celebrate them today by asking them to intercede for us before God so that we might be graced with the strength, the perseverance, the energy, the spirit and the faith to live as a Church, as the Body of Christ. We seek their passion so that we too might recognize God in our midst and be able to proclaim as we journey through our life of faith, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” and “To God be glory forever and ever, Amen!”

Have a great Monday and many blessings on this feast of Sts. Peter and Paul.

Daily Prayer: O God, source of every good gift and sure foundation of our life together as Church, today we honor and celebrate Saints Peter and Paul, grace us with a share in their zeal for preaching and living the gospel. Strengthen our faith to be witnesses, even unto staking our lives on your promises. We offer this prayer today and always through our one Lord, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.

A Runner’s Thoughts: Mother Teresa saw Christ in the face of everyone she met; it is possible to conduct a run that models her behavior. So as we run, let’s place a smile on our face and thus offer a blessing to everyone we meet on our run today!

Daily Blessing: Monday greetings and blessings to everyone and happy Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul! I hope your Monday has begun well. The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity sister’s retreat here in Manitowoc, WI got off to a nice start last night and in a few moments I will head to the chapel for morning prayer and mass as our first full day begins. I would ask you to please keep the sisters who are on retreat in your prayers there about 35 of them and if you have the time to say a little prayer for their preacher it would be greatly appreciated. The weather here in Manitowoc is beautiful. The sun is out the temperature is in the high 60’s. I hope wherever you are the day is beautiful too!

My prayer of blessing today rests in the spirits of the saints we honor, St. Peter and St. Paul. I pray that the spirits of St. Peter and St. Paul may be with all of you today. May you be blessed with the spirit of faith to help you on this journey of life. May you be blessed with the spirit of hope to get you through the rough times. May you be blessed with the spirit of love to remind you in whose image and likeness you are created in, how special you are and that you are never alone. May you be blessed with the spirit of strength to not be afraid to proclaim the Good News and to not be afraid to make a mistake. Through the spirits of St. Peter and St. Paul know that God is with you always and will never leave you to face your perils alone! Happy Monday everyone! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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