Today is a very special feast in the Church and the Passionist Community. It is
the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross. So I offer you two simple prayers to
guide you through this day and life...
first comes from our Passionist tradition it is a simple prayer we utter each
day - "May the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ be always in our
second prayer was written by the great Jesuit theologian Fr. Karl Rahner, S.J.
- "The Cross of My Lord, Be my Standard, Be my Comfort, Be the Answer to
all dark questions, The Light of all nights, The Sign that You have chosen us,
The mysterious and sure Sign that we are Yours for eternity. Amen."
two simple prayers reflect the meaning of the Cross that we as Church and as
the Passionist Community celebrate this day.
the Passion and the Cross of our Lord, Jesus Christ be not a sign of violence,
oppression, war and failure. May The Passion and Cross of Christ be a sign of
God's great and unconditional love for us. May the Passion and Cross of Jesus
be a walking stick that we can lean on to rest; be a protector in times of
struggle and danger; and always be a reminder of just how much God love's us,
no matter how imperfect we are as we journey through life!
a great Monday everyone.
"The Cross of My Lord, Be my Standard, Be my Comfort, Be the Answer to all
dark questions, The Light of all nights, The Sign that You have chosen us, The
mysterious and sure Sign that we are Yours for eternity. Amen." (By Fr. Karl Rahner, S.J.)
Runner's Thoughts: At first an ordeal and then an accomplishment, the
daily run becomes a staple, like bread, or wine... or air. (Benjamin Cheever,
author and Runner's World contributor) We might also say that the daily run
also becomes our prayer, our conversation with God each day!
Monday greetings and blessings to everyone and happy feast of the Exaltation of
the Cross! I hope your weekend when well and that your favorite team or teams
won if you are in to sports. If not I hope you had a weekend unbothered by
sports and full of what gives you life.
will be heading to our retreat center in West Hartford this morning to attend
the funeral of one of our men. With my busy preaching schedule I don’t often
get the chance to be present at our funerals so when I get the chance I like to
go. We have had a lot of funerals over the last year. I guess it is just the
reality of being a part of an aging religious community. Fr. Ronan was a fine
man. I never had the chance to live with him and I really did not know him very
well but I am glad to be able the gift of his life and entrance into eternal
life today.
My prayer
for all of you as I journey through this day is that you will have a good journey
through this day too. May you live by faith today and trust in the gift that
you are. May God recognize your faith and bless you with the unconditional love
that we are reminded of each time we look upon his cross. If you are struggling
today may you find the grace of hope, peace and love to see you through this
day. Blessings today upon all you do, upon everyone you meet and most
importantly upon all of you! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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