Our readings today (Romans 2: 1-11 and Luke 11: 42-46) focus on judging others.
We are challenged not to be judges but to be people of compassion, to be people
of mercy.
Bonhoeffer speaks to Paul and Jesus’ message today with his own reflection on
judging. “Judging others makes us blind, whereas love is illuminating. By
judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others
are just as entitled to as we are.”
does Henri Nouwen with his word; “As
long as we continue to live as if we are what we do, what we have, and what
other people think about us, we will remain filled with judgments, opinions,
evaluations, and condemnations. We will remain addicted to putting people and
things in their "right" place.”
question that we might ask ourselves today is do we want to be blind and
addicted? Hopefully not which means we need to remember to let God be the judge
and every time we are tempted to point out another’s fault, we should think of
our own shortcomings. If we approach life this way we will be graced by God’s
mercy and patience!
a great Wednesday everyone!
Loving God, you know the ways that we treat people that we do not like. You
know that we judge them, we avoid them, we gossip about them, we hassle them.
However wanting to be your people of faith, your people of love, we do not want
to be this way, to treat people this way anymore. So we ask you for the grace
and strength to learn how not to judge but how to be forgiving and
compassionate people today and always. We want to learn how to forgive and also
how to ask for forgiveness when we struggle and fail. Help us God not to be
judging people but to be a forgiving people just as you are forgiving! We pray
this today and always the Jesus Christ, your Son and our friend. Amen!
A Runner’s
Running can be so symbolic of life and faith. In running like in life we have
to drive ourselves to overcome the obstacles. At times we feel that we just
cannot do it. But then we find an inner strength, an inner presence and realize
that we are capable of so much more than we thought. And like in faith when we
run we often realize that we are not alone. That God runs with us!
Wednesday greetings and blessings to all. It doesn’t quite feel like a usual
Wednesday because of Monday being a holiday but we are still at the midpoint of
our work week so let’s celebrate! I hope your day is going well and moving
quickly. I hope it is filled with many good experiences and a people. If it is
not then trust in who you are and that even though life and people might seem
like a struggle you are making the day a good day for anyone who encounters
friends my God’s blessing be with you today and always. May the richness of who
you are as a person created in the image and likeness of God touch the lives of
all you meet. May you bring God’s presence to every experience and each moment
of this day. May the world you journey through be a better place because of you
today. And at the end of the day may you smile with the tired satisfaction that
because of you today was a good day! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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