Reflecting on our readings today a rather famous line in a Robert Frost poem
came to mind – “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less
traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”
has been said that Robert Frost intended the poem as a gentle mocking of
indecision, particularly the indecision that Edward Thomas had shown on their
many walks together in England. Frost later expressed chagrin that most
audiences took the poem more seriously than he had intended. However those last
few lines of the poem which I began this reflection with have over the years
come to reflect for many the challenge of living life whether Frost meant it
that way or not.
Jesus and St. Paul are confronted by two roads, two paths to travel in our
readings today. For Jesus it is to heal or not to heal on the Sabbath. For St.
Paul it is to live according to the flesh or to live according to the Spirit.
We might say that they both choose the road, the path less traveled and for us
that has made all the difference.
scriptures challenge us to look at the decisions we make in living our life of
faith and how often the choice of the road, the path that is less traveled can
make all the difference. Like our world today, St. Paul encountered the road of
materialism, power, influence, “life is about me,” and all the other things
that make up our world of instant gratification or as St. Paul might put it,
the world of the flesh. They were as present then as they are now and St. Paul
askes his communities and us to consider another road, the road of the Spirit.
It is often the road less travel but it is the road that can make all the
difference in our journey of faith, in our relationship with God.
is confronted with a woman who has been crippled by a spirit for many years.
Jesus responds to her with mercy and compassion and moves to heal her. The only
problem is that it is the Sabbath. Yet for Jesus it is the road of healing,
mercy and compassion that he takes and that makes all the difference for the
woman, for those watching, for the religious leaders and for us.
we truly believe the response of our responsorial psalm today – Our God is the
God of salvation – then when we are often confronted with two roads on our
journey of faith. Do we have the courage to take the one less travel because
most often it will make all the difference? It will be the road where we will
find God, ready to heal, ready to help and that certainly will make all the
a great Monday everyone!
Loving God, Often we hold on to the things we own and we are afraid to open our
clenched hands. Who will we be when we have nothing left to hold on to? Who
will we be when we stand before you with empty hands? Please help us to
gradually open our hands and to discover that we are not what we own, but what
you want to give us. Amen! (Adapted from
a prayer by Henri J.M. Nouwen)
A Runner’s
“Struggling and suffering are the essence of a life worth living. If you're not
pushing yourself beyond the comfort zone, if you're not demanding more from
yourself - expanding and learning as you go - you're choosing a numb existence.
You're denying yourself an extraordinary trip.” (Dean Karnazes, Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner)
As we begin this last work week begins of October we find ourselves getting
ready to say “good bye” to October and its menagerie of colors, crisp morning
air and sun drenched afternoons and we prepare to welcome November next Sunday,
with its fading colors, ever darkening days and the hustle and bustle of the
soon approaching holiday season. So in the midst of this in between week I
offer this prayer of blessing to begin your week and send you on your way towards
God, Creator of this new day, bless my friends and all so that we may live your
truth in everything we do. That we may express your love and joy to everyone we
meet. Touch us with your grace so that we may share our enthusiasm and make
each moment better; so that we may give life to our hopes; so that we may walk
by faith; so that we may dance and sing to your music of life; so that we will
always embrace your mercy, your joy, your blessings and your love and make
today and everyday worth remembering. Amen! Have a great Monday everyone! Peace
in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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