There is a quote from St. John of Damascus that goes, “What is more precious
than to be in the hands of God? God is Life and Light, and those who are in
God’s hands are life and light.” There is something very beautiful and
comforting about these words as there is about the words in the Book of Wisdom (Wisdom 2:23-3:9) our first reading
most often hear this reading or at least part of it at a funeral mass. I always
find it comforting to think that the person that I have come to remember is now
in the hands of God and that they are at peace. I think back to my mother’s
death and the years of struggle that proceeded that moment. She struggle with
dementia for over ten years. She was not herself. She was not the woman who brought me into the
world or raised me to be the man I am today. At times she did not know me or
anyone else in the family. Her life memories were all jumbled up somewhere in
her brain. The expressions on her face were often those of confusion and
struggle but at the moment that I celebrated her funeral mass I was comforted
by the fact that she was now with God, she was now at peace!
words of the Book of Wisdom and St. John of Damascus comfort us today
especially as we think of those important people in our life that we have
lost. Yet, Jesus, in the Gospel (Luke 17:7-10), reminds us that
throughout our life good works are expected of us. Living life in relationship
to God is what is expected of us. We are not special because we do good things;
we are simply God servants, no more no less. The gift of being at peace, the
gift of being in God’s hands, the gift of being life and light are just that
gifts given us by God.
should not expect praise and honor because we live a life of faith. It is
expected of us. Yet in living a life of faith we are comforted by the end of
the journey when God, who is Life and Light, will hold us in peace!
a great day everyone!
by day
Loving God,
things we pray
see you more clearly
Love you more dearly
to Follow you more nearly
by day – Amen!
from the Song: Day By Day from Godspell)
A Runner’s
“Life is for participating, not for spectating.” (Kathrine Switzer) The same is
true about faith, thus if we say we believe, we have faith then we need to be
participating not spectating. So get out there and be a person of faith today –
and maybe run a little too!
Tuesday greetings and blessings to all! I hope your day has started off well?
Here in Pelham we have seen to be in for a day of rain. The temperature is
still rather mild for this point in November but no sun today and this is ok
because we do need some of the wet stuff and I prefer rain to snow! If you are
not in the greater New York area may your day be a little sunnier than mine.
continue my week of paperwork and chores around the house. Yesterday I added electrical
work to my growing resume as the house maintenance person. I changed a light
switch without causing more damage and I lived to tell about it and I only had
to make two trips to Home Depot. However my hair is now frizzy! And you might
think life is dull for a preacher on the run.
pray of bless for today – Loving God bless us – Bless us and keep us safe. Let
your face shine upon us and show us your compassion and mercy especially in
those moments when we may struggle. May your love and peace embrace us, all we
meet and especially those we love. May our journeys be safe and may we find our
way home at some point today to enjoy your gift family and rest. Amen!
Blessings to all and enjoy your day! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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