Thursday, December 10, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 12/10/2015

Daily Thoughts: Isaiah's and Jesus' words seem to have a sting to them today. Isaiah seems to remind us that God is in control. Not matter how bad it gets in this life God is always going to be there. God is always going to keep his promise even if we do not. Jacob can turn into a worm and Israel can become a maggot but God will still be faithful.

On the other hand, Jesus reminds us today that no matter how great we become in this life it still pales in comparison to what awaits us in eternal life. John the Baptist was the greatest of all prophets; perhaps the greatest of all people yet the least person in the Kingdom of Heaven at that moment was greater than John.

These are hard words to hear yet Jesus asks us to hear! We like to think of ourselves as in control. We like to think of ourselves as important. Yet the scriptures remind us today that we are not, in control or important. You might say the Word for today is "remember it is not about us, it is about God." God who is always faithful! And isn't that a hopeful message to take with us and proclaim today!

Have a great Thursday everyone – one filled with Advent hope!

Daily Prayer: O Mighty and Faithful God, give us the joy and hope of your love today as we live our life in this imperfect world. Keep us ever mindful that life is not about us, it is about you and the gift of eternal life that awaits us. Bless us with the spirit of John and Isaiah today as we prepare the way for Christ by our care and service to one another! Amen!

A Runner's Thoughts: When you run, run mindfully – when you run, make your run a prayer. Remember that each run is a quest for a connection with God!

Daily Blessing: Happy Thursday everyone! I hope today has gotten off to a good start for you. The sun is trying to come out but it seems like it might be another cloudy day in Pelham though it will be mild one. I went out for the paper a little while ago and it wasn’t cold at all. I always think that with the sun out the day seems a little less short at this time of the year and a little more enjoyable, so I am rooting for the sun to make an appearance today. I hope the sun will shine on your day too!

I will head out a little before 11 am to the Wartburg Home to celebrate mass with the faith community there. I enjoy being with the community and celebrating with them. I hope you will be able to connect with some people of faith today too!

My prayer of blessing for all us today is – Faithful God, giver of all good gifts, bless us today with hearts that love you, so that by deepening our sense of respect and reverence for you we may nurture within ourselves and others only what is good. Bless us with your watchful care throughout this day so that wherever we go and whatever we do it will be for you. Bring us home safe to those we love that we might celebrate the gift of family, of friendship, of community, of your love so that our sleep will be restful and we will be energized to welcome you once again tomorrow! Have a great day everyone and peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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