Thoughts: Today
our first reading (1 Kings 8:22-23, 27-30) focuses us on the temple that
Solomon builds for God and our Gospel focuses us on the fact that the Pharisees
and scribes the religious leaders of Jesus’ time put more importance on the
accidentals of life rather than the essentials. I think our readings have
something to say to us today.
In our
first reading Solomon dedicates the temple but reminds the people and reminds
us that God is much larger than any building. A temple, a church, a chapel are
sacred and holy places to go but we must always remember that God is much
larger than any building, any place. We must always remember that God is always
with us, God is always within us!
And our
Gospel reminds us that there are essentials in faith and there are
non-essentials. We need to be able to recognize what is important and what is
not. Sometimes we forget or we place more importance on the non-essentials than
on the essentials. Solomon remind us what is important the presence of God. The
Pharisees and scribes always seem to remind us what is not.
Have a
great Tuesday everyone!
Loving God, we give you thanks this day because we are fearfully and
wonderfully made in your image and likeness. Help us realize and recognize this
awesome gift. Strengthen us to live our life so that your image and likeness
may be encounter by all we meet. Guide us so that our traditions, rules,
regulations and rituals do not hide your image within us but serve as tools
that help to enhancement of our faith and not become our faith. May the living
of our faith always put people first and help us to live in the hope that one
day we will hear you proclaim our life as very good! Amen!
A Runner’s
“If you want to become the best runner you can be, start now. Don’t spend the
rest of your life wondering if you can do it.” (Priscilla Welch) Run in a new
place today, for new places can stretch our capacity for finding the presence
of God as we run!
Tuesday greetings and blessings to all. I hope this finds you well and not
struggling too much with weather or the stresses of life. Despite the snow
yesterday our mission here at St. Anthony’s got off to a good start. The crowds
in the morning and evening were not real big but the people were enthusiastic
and spirit filled and that is what counts the most. The mission is a short one
because of the Super Bowl on Sunday and Ash Wednesday but I am looking forward
to our second and final day together today. Please continue to keep the faith
community here at St. Anthony’s in your prayers and if you could say and extra
prayer for the preacher as always it would be greatly appreciated.
Today is
Fat Tuesday so I hope you will take a little time today to celebrate and ready
yourself to enter Lent. Today is one of those ordinary days when I usually ask
for an extra beer at dinner or perhaps even a piece of cheese cake or another
favorite dessert. Nothing fancy, just a small celebration to lift the spirits
as I enter the long season of Lent. However, I cannot do it this year as I have
a mission to close this evening. Perhaps I will celebrate a little once I get
home tonight. So friends my suggestion to all of you is to celebrate today at
least a little!
My prayer
of blessing today is that wherever you are, whatever this day will bring your
way and whomever you will meet I pray in the hope you will find and encounter many
blessings as you live this day! Enjoy your day, the people you meet, the things
you do and the time you spend being the gift you are. Blessings to all. Have a great Fat Tuesday. Peace in Christ's
Passion...Fr. Paul
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