Periodically you hear people asked the question, “If you could meet, have
dinner with, spend time with anyone in history who would you chose?” I am sure
there is a different answer for every person asked. As we listen to our Gospel
today we might ask the question, “If you could have breakfast with anyone from
history who would it be?”
I know
what my answer would be – Jesus! First of all, I would choose Jesus because he
brings and prepares breakfast which is always a plus in my book. But more
importantly I would choose Jesus because having breakfast with him means my day
could not start any better!
though they have encountered the Risen Christ a few times since Easter Sunday
the disciples find themselves back in Galilee trying to figure out what to do
next. Peter believes getting back to his usual routine is the best way to put
life and the events of Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection into perspective.
So off he goes, to do some fishing, with the others tagging along.
the night doesn’t go as planned. No fish after a long hard night’s work. Enter
Jesus. “Have you caught anything to eat?” “No!” is the rather tired answer.
“Well then try dropping your nets again but do it on the other side of the
boat.” What do you think went through the disciples’ minds? Probably some
resistant thoughts to what the man on the shore proposed or a few choice words
muttered under their breath toward the man on the shore. Perhaps they were just
too tired and said what have we got to lose. Whatever they felt or thought they
at least went with the flow and cast their nets one last time and the rest is
history. They encountered a catch so big that it was now a struggle of joy to
get it to the shore. They encountered a catch so big that it could only be one
person, “The Lord!”
Yes, if I
could have breakfast with one person from history it would be Jesus because
when he enters our life whether it is breakfast, lunch, dinner or anytime in
between good things have a chance to happen. The struggling disciples learn
that the Risen Christ will enter their lives at any moment and is always
willing to nourish them for the journey; they just have to be willing to have
faith and trust that all things are possible.
As an
Easter people this story is a good reminder to us that in the midst of our
struggles, our unsteadiness in life, at those times when we feel our nets are
empty all it takes is for us to recognize the presence of God to steady us,
fill our nets and make all things possible on this journey through life.
as we begin this day or any day, for that matter, we should consider inviting
Jesus to breakfast. And as we enjoy his company we might ask his advice as to
where we should cast out nets. Because
as our Gospel story reminds us great things are possible especially when Jesus
makes breakfast!
Have a
great Friday everyone!
Loving God, it is your desire that all should be saved. Great is your
compassion and mercy because you gave us your only Son and Christ died for us
all. Teach us to recognize you in all things and love you as you love us. Our
prayer of deep faith today is that through the Passion, Death and Resurrection
of Christ you will send workers into the vineyards of life to proclaim the Good
News. That through your Holy Spirit of hope you will enkindle in our hearts an
ardent love that can help us to do all things, to be all things and to live in
your love. Be for us the Good Shepherd today and guide us along the right road
to your tender love! Amen!
Runner’s Thoughts: We need to always remember that there are different forms
of prayer, of communication with God and that they are possible in everything
we do, even when we run. So as I have often said let us allow our run today to
be a prayer of thanksgiving, or a prayer of petition or intercession, or a
prayer of praise, or a prayer of struggle, or a prayer seeking help or perhaps
just a prayer that says, “Hello God how are you today?”
Friday greetings and blessings to all! It looks to be another quiet day here in
Pelham. I will head to the Wartburg Home later this morning for mass but other
than that not much going on in my life today. I think it is to be a rainy day
here in Pelham so perhaps it will become a day of cleaning for me. I hope today
will be what you need it to be for you.
I pray
for all of you today that you will once again be touch by the joy of Easter.
May you be gifted with many life giving experiences, with many encounters of God
through the people you meet. May you have safe travels if you are traveling and
may you be gifts with much joy and peace as you journey through this day! God's
Easter blessings to all today! Peace in Christ's Passion and the Joy of the
Risen Lord...Fr. Paul
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