Jesus in
the Gospel today offers us peace. Yet he reminds us that the peace he offers is
not of this world. In fact, the peace that Jesus offers cannot be found in this
world. His peace lies beyond this life and flows from his relationship with the
Father, the Creator of peace.
reminds us that we need not be troubled or afraid that even though we cannot
encounter his peace in this world, he will not forget us. In other words, in
order to encounter the peace that Jesus offers we need to somehow let go and
let God!
Peace is
what we all want in our personal lives and in our world. We encounter it every
once in a while for a moment however it doesn’t last. Something always comes
along to disturb the peace. Thus we need to be people of faith; we need to be
people of hope.
In the
midst of all life’s struggles the early Church continued to move forward. They
did not get down they did not give up. It was through God’s grace that the Good
News was preached. It was because the early Church had faith and hope in God.
Their hearts were not afraid or trouble they were on the journey towards the
peace that Jesus offers. Let us be people of faith and hope today. May we not
be troubled or afraid because we are willing to let go and let God!
Have a
wonderful Tuesday everyone.
Lord, make us instruments of your peace, where there is hatred, let us sow
love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there
is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine
Master, grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be
understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that
we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we
are born to Eternal Life. Amen. (Adapted
from the Prayer known as the Prayer of St. Francis)
Runner’s Thoughts: As you run today remember with each plant of your foot you
feel firmness under you. Feel that firmness as the presence of God. Trust in that firmness. Know that God is
running with you!
Tuesday greetings and blessings to everyone! I hope your day has started off
well and if not know that I am praying that it gets better! It remains on the
cool side here in Manitowoc with rain off and on. They are saying that the rain
will end this morning but we will remain on the cool side.
Our first
day of retreat went well yesterday. I visited the first floor which is full
nursing care and the third floor which is the dementia floor yesterday and gave
a talk to the whole St. Rita’s Community in the afternoon. The sisters seem to
be in retreat mode and I am looking forward to another full day of visits.
Please keep the sisters on retreat in your prayers and if you can add a prayer
for the preacher it would be greatly appreciated.
My prayer
this morning is that your day will be blessed with the presence of God. May
your travels, your encounters, your work, your interactions with others be
touched with the grace of God and may your living of life today bring you a
little closer to the peace Jesus has left for us. Peace in Christ’s Passion and
Joy in the Risen Lord…Fr. Paul
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