A few years ago I ran across the following reflection by an unknown author that
seems to be a good reflection for our Gospel today so I share it with you…
deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens
us. We ask ourselves: Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and
who are we not to be? We are children of God. Our playing small doesn’t save
the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people
won’t feel insecure around us. We were born to make visible the glory of God
that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it is all of us!
And as we
let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the
same. As we are liberated from our fears, our presence automatically liberates
So let us
not allow our salt, our flavor, to become insipid. Today let us live as the
person that God has created us to be rich in the gifts of faith, hope and love,
rich is all that matters to God.” (Adapted
from an Unknown Writer)
Have a
great Thursday everyone!
Prayer: Loving
God, in you is found the fullness of life and unconditional forgiveness and
love. We place ourselves in your hands each day, asking that you make holy all
that we are, all that we have, and all that we offer you. Keep us firm in our
faith and strong in your service. Create in us a new heart, that we might find
a peace that always welcomes us home. Amen!
A Runner’s
Not every run need to be a search for life’s deeper meanings. Sometimes when we
run we need to just “cruise!” Approach your next run with openness to the
moment. Try to run unencumbered by the stress and strains of life. Look for the
unexpected, look for the expected in a different way. Just cruise with God at
your side!
Thursday greetings and blessings to everyone! I survived 37 eighth graders
yesterday. Actually it was a good day but I also realize that my energy is much
different than an eighth graders energy and sometimes I think I am getting to
old for this aspect of my ministry. But then it is nice being around young
people and being gifted by their openness, honesty and imagination. Please
continue to keep these young people in your prayers as they journey towards
Confirmation and graduation.
We are
starting off the day cloudy here in Pelham, but by late morning we are to get
some sun and warmer temperatures. I hope your Thursday is starting off well
wherever you are.
I will be
headed to the Wartburg Home later this morning for mass but most of my day will
be spent preparing for our Sunday Mass taping day tomorrow. I am looking
forward to stepping into my new role and excited about the challenges of
Well my friends,
my prayer is that you will have a great day. May whatever this day becomes for
you be life giving. May whomever you meet bring a positive spirit to your day. May
any travels this day be easy and safe. May God’s love and presence be with you
and all whom you love today and always! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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