Sunday, May 22, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 05/22/2016

Daily Thoughts: A few years ago a read a book entitled Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith by Barbara Brown Taylor. She is one of my favorite authors, I love the way she writes and how she tells a story. In one of the chapter Barbara tells a little anecdote about life as pastor/rector of her first parish in northern Georgia. After services one Trinity Sunday she found a miniature Three Musketeer Bar and a note on her car. They were from an eccentric woman who lived across the street from the church. The note read, “One for all and all for one, Happy Trinity Sunday.”

I could not help but laugh as I read the story and the story has stuck with me over the years and I keep coming back to it. Taylor writes the story as she is talking about settling into her first parish as a pastor/rector. It wasn’t easy, there were challenges and struggles, but this story seemed to reflect an acceptance, a fitting in for her.

Perhaps that is what this feast of the Holy Trinity is all about. We celebrate the mystery of God as Trinity, three persons but one God. Just saying it seems odd. How can we have three persons but just one God? How can we talk about three individuals yet still only be talking about one God? In human language it is impossible yet that is what we believe. We celebrate the gift of three persons so connect, so intimate, so focused that they are one. Believing means that we are part of that one, members of the relationship, accepted.

We believe in, we celebrate our God today who is all for one and one for all. Happy Trinity Sunday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Grant us, O Lord, this day to walk with you as Father, to trust you as Savior, to be enlightened by you as Spirit, to worship your as Lord: that all our works may praise you and our lives may give you glory. Amen. (Anonymous)

A Runner’s Thoughts: Remember running in a different place every once in a while can bring with it a different set of experiences. Each new setting can provide an opportunity to practice our spiritual running by helping us to be aware of not only new things around us but also new things within us. Running in a new place stretches our ability to find God in our runs, in life and in ourselves!

Daily Blessing: Sunday greetings and blessings to all and Happy Feast of the Most Holy Trinity! I hope you find yourself in the midst of a blessed Sunday and a relaxing weekend. It looks like the rain that began yesterday evening is still with us this Sunday morning. I am hoping we at least see a little bit of the sun sometime today but I think chances for that are slim.

It was a very late night for me last night as I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Baccalaureate Mass for Seton Hall Prep. Now I don’t travel around going to Baccalaureate Mass for fun. I went because a young man I baptized some 18 years ago is graduating from Seton Hall Prep today and invited me to celebrate with him and his family last night. Daniel is a very fine and intelligent young man. He received many awards last night and is one of three Salutatorians for today graduation. It was great to be with him and his family. And I know his grandmother who passed away almost five years ago is very proud of him. Daniel will be headed to the University of Notre Dame in the fall!

I thought I would have a rather easy drive home last night from Parsippany, NJ where the party was held. I mean driving home at midnight, there will not be any traffic right? Well even though it was raining everything was going great until I got to within a quarter mile of the George Washington Bridge and then dead stop. Apparently, they were doing construction, in the rain, on the upper level and then there was an accident in the two lane they had open so the whole upper level was closed and I could not get to the lower level lane at that point. I got home at 2:30 am. I love New York!

So from a rather tired Padre, my pray if blessing this morning for all of you is that God’s blessings will be upon all of you today and always. I hope you will be blessed day rich in family, friends, warmth, peace and rest. May God truly be with you and those you love, keeping you safe as you enjoy the many gifts of God’s creation and all that this day brings into your life. Remember to spend a little time with God today because after all, “One for all and all for one!” Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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