Saturday, June 4, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 06/04/2016

Daily Thoughts: Today we celebrate the second half of the Church’s focus on the heart. Yesterday we celebrated the Sacred Heart of Jesus and today it is Mary’s Immaculate Heart that we honor. There are many things we can say about Mary’s heart but the virtue that stands out most to me about Mary is strength. I think Mary’s heart was truly a heart of strength.

In the Gospel today Luke tells us that Mary kept all the experience of Jesus in her heart. She kept the joys and sorrows, the miracles and the opposition, the quiet moments and the great crowds, the mother and father moments of family and the community moments of discipleship. Mary kept the triumphant moments of shepherds, angels, kings and palms and failing moments of whips, nails, wooden crosses and death on a hill. Yes, Mary kept all things in her heart so she needed a very strong heart to hold all the experiences of life that she encountered from early on. Mary was truly a woman, a mother of great strength, a strength that came from and was nourished, feed and supposed by her heart.

The heart is central to who we are as a human being. Whether we are speaking about our physical, emotion or spiritual life the heart plays a central role in how we live our life. Mary’s heart was a heart of strength carrying the grace of God’s presence in her life. Her strength enabled her to say “yes” to God and then watch as that “yes” unfolded in the life, passion, death and resurrection of her son, Jesus.

Mary, woman of strength, hold us in your heart that we too may be strong in living our journey of life!

Have a great Saturday everyone!

Daily Prayer:
All Loving God, as we honor the Immaculate Heart of Mary this day, we ask that by the help of her prayers we might strengthen our own hearts and come to share your blessings this day and always.

O holy Mary, mother of all mercy, you are our life, our love and our hope. This day we call out to you, in all our humanness, in all our failings. To you we send our prayers, our thoughts, our tears, our joys. Turn your eyes, O most loving Mother toward us that we might always hold the presence of your Loving Son in our lives.

O Compassionate, O Loving, O Tender Mother Mary. Direct our prayers always though Christ, your Son, our Savior.  Amen! (Adapted from the Prayer - Hail Holy Queen)

A Runner’s Thoughts: One way to look at running is as a tool, a device or practice that aids the user in our quest to pray. If we are intent about moving along the spiritual path, then it only makes sense to use those aspects of our live that already fill our days. So spend some time in prayer today go for a run! (Adapted from Roger Joslin)

Daily Blessing: Saturday greetings and blessings to all on this Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary! I hope everyone’s Saturday is starting off well and that you will have a productive day or a restful day or maybe even both!

We finished the first phase of the move of The Sunday Mass from Manhattan to Jamaica Queens yesterday. All of the lighting and electric elements were moved from St. Francis de Sales into storage at Immaculate Conception Church. Another day will need to be dedicated to moving all of our other equipment and things. Slowly but surely our new home for The Sunday Mass will begin to take shape.

It is a sunny morning here in Pelham. It looks to be a nice day temperature wise. And you might say it is a beautiful day to drive to Brooklyn and begin a mission at St. Ephrem’s Parish. I will head out in midafternoon as I will be preaching all the masses today and tomorrow. The mission will begin Monday and end on Wednesday. If you are in or near the Dyker Heights section of Brooklyn come and join us for this late spring mission!

My prayer of blessing today is that God will bless all of you with a beautiful day, one in which you will celebrate the gift of life with family, friends and people who enjoy life. May you be blessed with a day that is fun and filled with moments and people of joy and hope. May you be blessed with a day of rest and enjoyment. Please know as always, you are in my prayers and be safe if you are traveling today. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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