Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Advent Week II - Wednesday Thoughts - 12/12/2012

Daily Thoughts: For the second time in four days we are graced with the celebration of a feast of Mary. Today it is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I chose the reading from Luke's Gospel about Mary arrivaling at Elizabeth's house for today. I have always liked that reading especially after I visited the chapel dedicated to the visit in the Holy Land. The chapel is high on a hill and it is a steep, difficult and tiring walk just to reach it, but once there is it one of the most peaceful places I have ever been. There is a statue of Mary and Elizabeth, both pregnant embracing each other as you enter the court yard of the chapel. Every time I see the statue I cannot help but see the great joy on Mary's and Elizabeth's face, that moment must have been one of great grace and joy! Two relative, two friends meeting with the gift of life inside them.

I have often wished that I was part of bringing life into the world though I am happy to be a Passionist and a priest!. I have often though about what it would have been like, had I gotten married, to sit next to my wife and the mother of our children and put my hand on her stomach to feel that new life leap, kick, celebrate and move within her womb. That must be a wonderful feeling for a mother and father. I guess that is why I have always liked this reading, I get to eavesdrop on such a moment. I get brought into the joy, the celebration, the great hope of life.

Perhaps it was similar joy that Juan Diego experienced when Mary appeared to him many years ago. It must be what the people of Mexico and all Central and South America must feel when they celebrate this day each year with such joy!

We all need moments when the excitement of God's presence in our life overwhelms us or at least allows us the gift of joy! May today be a day when like John in Elizabeth's womb we leap for joy when we hear the voice of God in another!

Daily Prayer: Tender, Mary, help us to proclaim the greatness of God today. And like you may our soul rejoice in God our savior! Amen!

Runner's Thought: As you run today look purposefully for signs of God's presence in creation and in the words of the psalmist let them offer praise along with you. Be one of many voices to offer praise on your run today!

Have a great Wednesday, remember it is "hump day" think of today as getting to the top of a hill during a run and as you journey home this evening you are on the down hill side of your run, your week, with the finish line, the weekend, insight! Blessings today and always...Peace in Christ's Passion, Fr. Paul

PS Another grace filled night of mission here at Holy Family! Please remember to pray for the preacher and the community as we walk by faith together...

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