Daily Thoughts: As I write this morning I find myself in one of the neighborhood of the city of Nassau in the Bahamas. It is nice to be in a warm climate and near the sea, although were I am staying is not near the beach. I had seafood yesterday that was delicious! Yet, amid the warmth and sea breezes things are a bit unsettling. They drive on the opposite side of the road here, the roads are narrow, the drivers impatient and fast. And I have been told that walking around the neighborhood is a bit unsafe. Life in other words is a bit different than I am use to.
This little introduction leads to my reflections today. The readings especially the first reading from Baruch and Gospel are about looking in a different direction, they are about seeing life differently. Baruch a disciple of Jeremiah, wants the people of exile to look at life differently to be hopeful, to look eastward to those who will return from exile. He calls for a hopefulness in Jerusalem the city will no longer have to morn because her children will returned. Baruch asks the people to look with hopeful eyes even in the midst of their struggles. John the Baptist in the Gospel is a voice in the wilderness struggling against the power that be, Roman and Jewish. He crys out words of hope, that soon the mountains will be made low and the valleys will be raised up and the path to God will be straight and flat. He wants the people to look in a different direction. First at themselves, letting go of the worldly paths they have walked and secondly to look toward the east, tp the coming of Christ. Baruch and John in different ways proclaim a vision of hope by asking people to look at life differently!
In my short time here in Nassau I have had to look at life differently, no TV, none of the usual comforts that create a comfort zone in life. Yet, I too have a sense of hopefulness. It comes from the people that I have met and what this week of mission is going to tell me about myself and about the presence of God in my life.
Friends in faith my hope for you today is that you will find your east to look toward. An east that will tell you a little more about yourself, an east that will create a sense of hope within you, an east that will help you to see and to know the gift of God in your life! Look East my friends...See Emanuel (God is with us!)
Sunday Prayer: O God of all searchers, let no earthly undertaking hinder us as we journey in haste to meet you. May we learn the wisdom of heaven and always have the hope of your love! Amen!
Runner's Thought: May your run today take you into the heart of God!
Have a Great Second Sunday of Advent! Blessings on your journeys today and peace in your living of life! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
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