Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 05/07/2013

Daily Thought: Sometimes we need to remember that God has the power to transform our loss into gladness and our sorrow into joy. In the reading from the Acts of the Apostles today the jailor finds himself at a moment of decision. He thinks that all the prisoners have escaped. He considers taking his own life because it would be quicker and less painful then the death he would have to endure for such a folly under his watch. However, he finds that his worst fears are unfounded and that God has given him and opportunity through Paul and Silas to change his life. Thus rather than death the jailor and his family experience new life!

In moments of tragedy, struggle, disappointment and sadness we at times get an opportunity to grow, to see life in a different way, to change. It is not easy, it can be challenging and perhaps our first thought is to not even try, to continue to feel what we feel. Yet, God is waiting for us to step up and bring the presence of God to each moment of our life, moving beyond worry, fear, anger, resentment and sadness to the Spirit of God.

I know this will be an unpopular thought but I have been bothered the last week by what is taking place in Massachusetts in regards to the body of the one terrorist from the Marathon bombing. I know that what he did was horrendous. I know that many, many lives we changed by his actions. I know he killed four people and harmed many others. I know that what he and his brother did was inexcusable and evil. But we call ourselves a Christian nation; we claim to be Christian people. We are offended when people what to take God out of our life, whether it be in our schools, the Pledge of Allegiance or any other place. Yet we will not allow this person, no matter how evil, a person who began created by God, to be buried. There is something wrong with us if continue to think this way.

Yes, I know we are angry, I am angry at what happen that day in Boston and in the days that followed. I am angry about what is happening in our world. I am angry we are not safe anymore. I am angry that at an event where people are supposed to relax, have fun and enjoy themselves terror ends their day, their lives. I am angry that at time my life is more about fear than anything else.

However, I am a Christian; I am a believer in God, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I am a believer that Jesus asked us to be compassionate, hopeful, loving and faith filled people. I have to believe as a Christian, as a Catholic allowing this person to be buried is the right thing to do. I believe if we don’t we will be condemned by God, as Jesus says in the Gospel today, along with him for not believing.

I hope somewhere down the road we as a people, as a nation, as Christians can grasp the moment like the jailor in the reading today and allow God to transform our lives from fear and hate into peace and hope!

Daily Prayer: Loving God we once again draw upon the inspiration of St. Francis. Please help us to be your instruments. Please helps us to be your presence in this world, to be your people of Faith.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life. Amen. (Prayer known as the Prayer of St. Francis)

Runner’s Thought: Let us remember in the midst of our run when running gets harder, when we get tired, when we are climbing a steep hill, when we don’t feel like continuing, when it just don’t seem worth it, these are reminders to come home to our breath, to the awareness that God is running with us! (Adapted from Roger Joslin)

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope your day is beginning well. I hope the sun is out and you feel awake, energized and ready for a new day. If not you are in my prayers with the hope that your day will get better!

The mission here at Nativity Parish opened well last night. We had a nice crowd that was very enthusiastic and Spirit filled. I look forward to our second evening and my little reflection after the 12:10 pm mass today. Again if you are in the area of Midland Park, NJ why not come and join us at 7:30 pm this evening.

I pray this morning for blessings upon your day. May it be rich in the presence of God. May all you do and everyone you meet be gifted by your energy, your goodness, your love and your faith. Have a wonderful day everyone. Peace in Christ’s Passion and hope in the Risen Lord…Fr. Paul

1 comment:

  1. Carolyn McCarthyMay 7, 2013 at 7:52 PM

    Thank you for having the courage to say the above. I too am so angry about what happened in Boston but I am very saddened that we will not allow the body to be buried. We have a responsibility to behave as Christians. Yes, sometimes it seems like an almost impossible responsibility but nonetheless, we have to try our best to do what we believe would be God's will. We have been directed to love one another even when it seems impossible and ridiculous.
